“More,” I pant against his mouth as his hand comes off the back of my neck to smack against the floor, giving him leverage for his hips to come off the ground and thrust up into me, not even knowing what I’m asking for, just knowing I need more. I needeverything.

In the blink of an eye, Ryan wraps his arm around my waist and whirls me around, flipping us over until I’m on my back, his cock never leaving me as I wrap my legs around his hips. His mouth comes back to mine, and he grabsmyhands this time and tugs them up and over my head, pressing them down onto the canvas as he fucks me harder, deeper, knowing exactly what I need and giving it to me.

“Jesus, you feel so fucking good,” Ryan groans against my lips, the wet strokes of his cock thrusting in and out of me until I’m dizzy, wanting to come so badly I can taste it, but never wanting this to end.

Dirty words continue to fly out of him as he clutches tightly to my hands he holds over my head, my naked body sliding up and down through the paint underneath me with each drive of his hips between my thighs. I swallow the words of love that are on the tip of my own tongue, knowing it’s cheesier than anything I’ve done today to tell someone you love them when they’re inside you, rocking your whole entire world.

One of Ryan’s hands lets go of mine and wraps around the front of my throat as he kisses me—deep, hard, and deliciously rough—each powerful drive of his cock in and out of me pushing me closer and closer to the edge, until he pulls his mouth back just enough to grunt out one word.


His hand around my throat adds just enough possessive pressure to let me know he means that word, and with one more slam of his cock inside me, I fall apart, panting his name, my body shaking as I come, squeezing my eyes closed to stop a tear from falling out.

Just that one word—that’s all it took for everything inside me to break wide open. I hope he can feel it, and hear it, and know that I’m his, and he’s mine, and I love him so much that it hurts, and it scares me, and it overwhelms me. But it feels so right and perfect that I’ve never loved anyone else before him. He deserves to be the first. He deserves every good thing, and I hope he thinks my love is one of those good things.

Wrenching my arms out from under the tight hold he still has on them with one hand above my head, I wrap them around his back and hug him as tightly to me as possible as he grunts, and moans, and bucks his hips between my thighs, chanting the wordmineagainst the side of my neck until it feels like my heart might explode. His arm snakes around my waist between my back and the ground, and he squeezes me tight, like he can’t get close enough to me either, and he thrusts into me roughly one last time, coming with my name groaning out of his mouth.

I love you, I love you, I love you…,I chant in my head as Ryan jerks his hips between my thighs, pulsing and coming inside me, making me feel wilder and more alive than I ever have before.

“Best. Art project.Ever,” Ryan pants a minute later with his head still buried in the side of my neck, while we try to catch our breath.

Our bodies still pressed tightly together shake with laughter, and I hug him to me even tighter, locking my ankles behind his back and running one of my hands through his hair.

“Now we get to wash all of this paint off of us,” I remind him, starting to feel this stuff all over us, now that we’re not distracted and my heart isn’t trying to pound out of my chest from all these stupidfeelingsI’m suddenly feeling.

Carefully pulling apart and performing a little bit of acrobatics, we help each other off the canvas without messing anything up to stand at the edge and look down at it.

It’s one giant, beautiful mess of purples, pinks, blues, white, and black, with streaks through the paint from our hands sliding through it and our bodies writhing around on top of it. Looking at it just turns me on all over again. As does glancing down my body and seeing a perfect Ryan handprint right over one boob and feeling another one starting to dry and flake off around the skin of my throat, still able to hear his raspy voice saying “Mine” when he put his hand there.

“That turned out prettier than I thought. We make good art together.” Ryan smiles as he wraps his arm around my waist, leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

Everything we do together is good, and I hope every time he looks at this canvas that I plan on getting stretched and framed for him that he remembers it. I want him to bundle up all of this happiness he’s feeling right now, and all the happiness and freedom he’s felt over the last few weeks, and take it with him to his father’s house. I want him to have the strength to be who he wants to be and to tell his dad he just wants to do what makes him happy. Whether it’s stepping down as the next mayor of Summersweet Island, or just being with me. And I hope his dad can understand that and not make him be someone he doesn’t want to be. Because even though I’ve given him everything I have to give, I still don’t know if it’s enough for him to want to fight for his happiness and to believe in me. Inus.

“Last one to the shower has to stand away from the warm spray and freeze their ass off,” I tell him, pushing up on my toes to give Ryan a quick kiss, feeling him laugh against my lips, before I take off running out of the garage.

“You’re gonna get a spanking for that! Oooh, another new kink unlocked! Bring that sexy butt back here!” Ryan shouts, making me laugh as he chases me through the house to the bathroom.

I just hope he knows I gave him my heart today by romancing the shit out of him, and I’m trusting him to be strong, take care of it, and make good choices.