I probably should have kept my mouth shut.

“He shuts down Summersweet Lane and causes about a million traffic and safety violations to make a spectacle of himself in a thunderstorm, is telling off his co-workers, doing drugs, getting a tattoo, and got arrested for having his privates flopping in the breezein public! What exactly is fun aboutanyof that?” he shouts, making me take another couple of deep breaths before I start shouting right back at him.

“Heeey!” Ryan complains. “My dick wasnotflopping in the breeze! It doesn’t flop at all, does it, honey?” He smirks, throwing his arm around my shoulders and making me stumble a bit in the sand when I take most of his weight, quickly wrapping my arm around his waist as he starts tipping to the side.

“This is allyourdoing.” Mr. Hutton points at me, making me bite down on my tongue so hard I taste blood. “I told him you’d be a bad influence on him.”

I don’t bother telling him Ryan is a grown man who can make his own choices, that I didn’t hold a knife to his throat andmakehim do any of those things. And I’m certainly not responsible for him being high at this moment in time. It’s fine. He can blame me for whatever he likes. I’d rather he be mad at me than Ryan. He doesn’t know me, and he doesn’t know that I would never do anything to hurt Ryan, and that’s okay. For now.

“We have a very important meeting on Sunday about the future of this island, and I do not need to deal with you having a midlife crisis at thirty-two!” he scolds Ryan, while I wisely keep my mouth shut this time. “Get it together and remember what’s important. Spending your time being distracted by a pretty girl who doesn’t care about your future or your reputation isn’t it!”

He speaks to Ryan like I’m not standing right here listening to him insult me, and I decide to just concentrate on the part where he called me pretty, instead of insulting him right back.

“Excuse me. Has anyone seen my dog?”

An older woman in a robe and flip-flops shouts to us from her yard up at the edge of the beach. Ryan starts laughing, his father starts cursing under his breath, and I quickly pull my phone out of my back pocket and send a text to Tess to bring Peanut back.

“Get him home before anyone else sees him acting like a fool,” Mr. Hutton practically growls at me before pointing his finger at Ryan. “Be at my house, on Sunday, at four, and for the love of God, beyourself!Not… whatever the hellthisis.”

With that, Ryan’s father turns and stalks away, kicking up sand as he goes.

“I should have told him to shove it,” Ryan mutters, swaying a little as I help him turn and start walking back to the deck of Dockside Eddy’s.

“I think you’ve scarred him enough for one night.”

Ryan leans over and kisses the top of my head as we walk, tightening his arm around my shoulders.

“You’re not a bad influence on me,” he says quietly, with his cheek resting on top of my head.

“I know,” I whisper back, even though I feel partly responsible, and I want to beg Ryan to take me with him on Sunday so I can be there for him and help explain things to his father.

“I don’t do anything I don’t want to do, and right now, I want to lick your sweet, not at all weird pussy and fuck my woman with my number-one monster cock.”

I just sigh and smile up at him as he pulls back to look at me while I help him walk up the stairs of the deck without tripping. Maybe Iamsome sort of influence on him, but I refuse to believe it’s a bad one.

Hopefully, his dad will come around after Ryan sits down with him this weekend and has a serious, non-pot-cookie-fueled conversation with him.