It’s hot.Ryanis hot. Every uninhibited thrust of his cock into me is hot. My fingernails claw against the skin of his back as I hold on tight, while the root of his cock smacks against my hyper-sensitive clit each time he pounds into me, bringing me closer and closer to another release. The table beneath me creaks when itsmacks, smacks, smacksagainst the wall each time he drives into me, making everything hotter and knocking a picture frame loose hanging to our left, sending it crash to the floor along with all the trophies. Neither one of us gives a shit about the carnage we’re leaving behind.

“Oh… God. I’m coming.” The words choke out of me just as Ryan rips another orgasm out of me, faster and more intense than the first one, dragging it out and making it even better when the feel of me coming around his cock makes Ryan smack one of his hands against the wall above my head and let out another string of curses.

“Fuck, fuck, ohhh,fucking hell!”

If I thought Ryan making me come with his mouth was hot, nothing compares to this man falling apart on his own. Using his hand on the wall behind me for leverage and wrapping his arm around my waist, he fucks me harder and faster until he tumbles right over the edge with me. He buries his face into the side of my neck, slamming his cock into me one last time, coming inside me with a roar against my throat that rattles my chest. His hips jerk between my thighs through his release, and he curses up a blue streak that almost makesmeblush, and nothing has ever felt more right than being with this man. Nothing has ever felt so perfect, and I never want this feeling to end.

It only takes five seconds of us clinging to each other and trying to catch our breaths while Ryan is still pulsing inside me, before a nagging bit of worry starts to make its way through my mind, hoping he doesn’t freak out about what just happened. My body feels deliciously sated and used in the best way possible, and I’d rather be thinking about how soon we can do this again than whether or not I’m going to have to talk him down from a ledge, thinking I lied to him and let him lose too much control without saying anything, even though that’sexactlywhat I wanted him to do.

He pulls his hips back and pulls himself out of me, and I hold my breath, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

“I can’t believe we just did that in my entryway, out in the open,” Ryan pants against my throat, with a sound of wonder in his voice as his hands work between us to tuck himself back into his jeans and zip them up. “That felt very scandalous with my ass hanging out for anyone who walks through the door to see.”

Some of my worry floats away with a laugh as Ryan wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly to him.

I let out a squeal and wrap my arms tighter around his shoulders when he suddenly scoops me up from the table, with my legs still locked tightly around his hips. He tips his chin up and gives me a sweet, soft kiss, then pulls back and smiles at me as he turns and starts walking us quickly toward the kitchen, making the last of my worries disappear.

“Let’s go. I only have eight more hours until a tutoring session in the morning, and I’ve got a lot more rooms in this house I need to disrespect you in.”