“I take backwhat I said. I am definitely not going to kick your ass.”

I grin as Danny walks back down the lane with a frown on her face after throwing a gutter ball, standing up from my seat behind the computer scoring system when she gets to me.

“Well, at least you look goodnotdoing it.” I smile at her, letting out a bark of laughter as she dances a little jig in front of me, tapping her bowling shoes against the floor.

When she sat down to take off her heels earlier, she complained good-naturedly about how ridiculous she’d look in a dress and bowling shoes, but she looks absolutely adorable, even if she hasn’t been able to knock down even one pin in the last two frames. Sitting back here behind her, watching her bend over in that dress to throw her ball every time, however, has made it extremely difficult to concentrate on my favorite sport.

“You sure you’re okay bowling in a dress?” I clear my throat, my eyes flickering down the front of her, thinking about how high the hem inches up her thighs each time she releases the ball in her finish stance.

“It’s not the first time I’ve bowled in a dress.” Danny shrugs. “I broke into a bowling alley with a bunch of people after prom one year.”

“Why does that not surprise me?” I smile at her with a shake of my head.

She takes a step closer to me, pressing one of her hands against my chest, and I wonder if she can feel how fast my heart is beating under her palm.

“The only difference is… I was wearing underwear with the prom dress.”

All of the blood in my head rushes a lot farther south as she gives me a mischievous smile before patting my chest and then turning and walking over to the ball return. My eyes are glued to her ass the entire time she bends over to grab her ball that just shot up out of the floor and rolled along the track to get back to her. Until I’m clenching my hands down at my sides to stop myself from walking over there and putting them on her. So many dirty images are flying through my brain from her admission, like shoving her against the closest wall, hiking up that dress a few more inches, and sinking down to my knees so I can finally see if she tastes like honeyeverywhere, until she’s shouting my name.


“Yes. More.”


“Yes. More,” I mumble out loud.

“Yo, Earth to Ryan.”

I blink a few times and realize Danny is actually calling my name, standing next to the ball return with her bowling ball in her hand, and staring back at me, while I was lost in Danny Pornland.

“Can you help me out here, Coach, and tell me what I’m doing wrong?”

I give her a tight smile and a nod, pretending like I wasn’t just disrespecting her in my head,again, as I walk over to where she’s waiting for me. “Come on. Let’s go up to the foul line and try a little drill I like to do with all my new bowlers.”

As I hold my arm out for her to lead the way, Danny walks down the lane until her toes are touching the foul line. Moving behind her, I grab onto her hips and tug her backward a little bit.

“This is a one-step drill,” I tell her, dipping my head down so I can speak next to her ear and not have to shout over the noise of pins crashing down in other lanes, and Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again” blasting from the sound system. Danny brings her ball up and holds it in front of her while I continue. “You’re just going to swing the ball back like you normally would, let your ball reach the top of your back swing, then take that final step and release. You’re not trying to throw a strike right now. You won’t be using any speed, since you won’t be using your feet. We’re eliminating those earlier steps in the approach, so you can just focus on the slide and release.”

Sliding my left hand off her hip, I tap the side of her thigh. “Take that final step with this left leg when you pull your right arm back, then swing through nice and fluid.”

Danny shifts her hips, rubbing her ass right against my crotch, and I am powerless to stop the groan from flying out of my mouth. Her sweet scent overwhelms me being this close to her. I just want to brush her hair off her shoulder, attach my mouth to the side of her neck, and breathe her in while I’m tasting her skin.

“How are those blue balls?”

“No, I don’t!” I shout like an idiot, not even making sense, too embarrassed by Danny’s question and wondering if she can read my mind. “Wait, what?”

She looks back over her shoulder at me, raising one of her eyebrows.

“I said, I should have used one of those blue balls.” She nods over to the ball return that currently holds three black balls, an orange ball, and two blue ones. “They’re lighter than the one I picked. Are you okay?”

It takes me a few seconds to realize my hand is still pressed against the side of her thigh while my other one is gripping her opposite hip a little too tightly. I quickly drop my hands and move back from her a few feet, taking a couple of deep breaths. “I’m great! Good. Perfect! Go ahead and try the drill.”

Shoving my hands in the back pockets of my jeans so I don’t put them back on her again, I watch her go through the motions I just explained, smiling as the ballthunksdown onto the lane when she releases it and soars all the way down the center, knocking over eight pins.

“Holy shit!” Danny shouts, whirling around with a huge smile on her face.

My hands come flying out of my pockets when she launches herself into my arms, celebrating with a few more shouts that make me laugh as I hold her tightly to me.

Remember how she said she’s not wearing any underwear?

When the devil on my shoulder starts whispering in my ear, and the situation in my pants gets more detrimental the longer this woman’s body is pressed against mine, I quickly set Danny back on her feet and drop my arms from around her as I point to the ball return.

“Go ahead and bowl my frame. You might as well keep going while you’re hot. I mean… while your balls are hot. I mean… while you’re on a roll.Ba-dum-tss!” My word vomit comes to an end with me playing air drums, then rolling my eyes at my stupidity.

Danny just smiles at me, then walks around me to go grab her ball.

All while I wonder if Spencer cursed me and my dick really will explode by the end of the night.