“We’re not done, yet.”

Alice had never heard a sentence sound like a threat and a promise all at one time before. It sent a spear of anxious anticipation right to her groin, making a shiver of delight spread through her body.

She wormed her way backwards on the bed until her head touched the pillows. The foresight to smother her orgasm had proved necessary, and though she wished Alex could have heard what he did to her, she was glad she hadn’t risked waking Olivia with strange screams echoing through the house. He’d almost killed her with his tongue, and now she understood the logic behind the French term for orgasm.

La petite mort.

The little death.

He had made her come like she was falling apart, burst into a billion tiny atoms and then reformed as something new. Someone new. Like a rebirth, or a renewal. She couldn’t remember feeling like that before, torn down and then remade as something perfect. It was amazing what a good man could do with only his mouth.

Sex, for Alice, had long been something she thought of as fun and moderately pleasurable. After Matt, it had become a dusty memory. And now, with Alex, she caught a glimpse of how some people considered it a spiritual union. She had practically seen God.

Her last time with Alex had been a tasty appetizer. The main course, as it turned out, had been worth the wait.

He climbed over her, his weight a wonderful, tangible thing. If she wasn’t desperate to have him inside her, she might have asked him to stop and simply lay on top of her. It was nice to feel the presence of a man so close and touchable, so comforting. If she let herself, she would fall asleep at Alex’s side, curled into a ball, warmed by the sheer, glorious bulk of him.

“I want you.” She fanned her fingers over his bare back. His skin was damp with sweat and hot to the touch.

He replied with a rough sigh instead of words. Alex tangled one of his hands in her hair, tipping her head back for a hard, ragged kiss that sucked the air out of her lungs. His lips still tasted like her, but instead of being embarrassed she found herself excited.

Her hands trailed lower, down his muscular shoulders, over his spine and to the band of his underwear. She paused, struck shy for a fraction of a second, until he ground his hips towards her. The shock of his hardness chased away any nerves she felt. Off came the underwear, and soon there was nothing between them.

She squeezed his ass, which was tight from years of squatting behind the plate. She was sure he’d pass the bounce-a-quarter-off-it test. The head of his cock, large and demanding, was pressed against her like a guest begging for entry.

“Condom.” She said it more to remind herself than him. Alice fumbled for the bedside drawer. In a moment of optimism after their dat

e months earlier, she’d bought a box of condoms for the first time in close to a decade. They’d sat unopened in the drawer next to her vibrator, constantly mocking her whenever she reached for the toy. They seemed to say, You could be having real sex right now, if you weren’t such a bull-headed ninny.

Now she tore at the box with triumph, thinking, I’d like to see you mock me now, Trojans!

The package got its retribution by proving almost impossible to open. Alex, seeing her struggle, took the condom out of her hands and freed it with the ease of a seasoned professional, slipping it on and angling himself at her entrance again.

“Don’t you dare tease me this time, Ross,” she said.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Darling.”

He slid into her easily, but the size of him was still surprising and the slightest bit painful. She reached for the pillow, biting her lip to keep from crying out.

“I want to see you,” he insisted.

“I can’t make any noise.” She considered her options then grabbed one of his hands from where it was planted next to her ear and placed it firmly over her mouth.


Alice bit his palm to scold him as she lifted her hips to meet his, seating his cock back inside her. She moaned into his hand and licked the rough skin.

“Goddamn, woman.” He kept his fingers locked in place and resumed his thrusting, driving into her slowly at first, then with the demanding strokes of a man who desperately needed to come.

Alice breathed hotly against his palm, her moans being fed back into her open mouth. He came first this time, his free hand gripping her hair as all his muscles went taut and he groaned, his body twitching like a live wire. He reached between them, in spite of his clear exhaustion, and found her tight, sensitive clit.

It only took a few rapid circles from his thumb to bring her to the edge and push her over again. He withdrew his hand from her mouth as she came, swallowing her scream with a deep, greedy kiss.

When they were both spent, he disappeared into her bathroom and came back moments later, strutting through the room, unapologetic in his nudity. She marveled at him, watching him move through her sleep-heavy eyes.

“Nice ass,” she teased.

“Yours ain’t so bad either.” He gave it a playful smack.