“What did you think about?” She cupped his crotch, her nimble fingers threatening to drive all rational thought from his mind. She circled his shaft through the cotton of his underwear, stroking gently. The friction was enough to make him crazy.

“Th-that.” Alex closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers and taking a shaky breath. “I thought about that.”

Alice squeezed, a naughty little pulse of the hand that made his breath hitch. “What else?”

He opened his eyes a crack to watch her. She was entirely focused on her task. With each passing stroke she would dart a glance at his face to see how he was responding, and when she felt his reaction was positive, her cheeks grew pink and she bit down on her full lower lip.

This woman was going to kill him.

And he’d love it.

Gathering his wits about him so he could get out a proper sentence and not just a chain of grunts, he pressed his lips to her ear and whispered, “I would fuck my hand like you’re doing now and think about you. Your hot little mouth. Your sexy fucking body. I would think about all the ways I’d use you when I got to have you again.” Once the words were out he thought he might have taken things too far because her hand had gone still and a breathy oh escaped her mouth.

When he pulled back, her eyes were wide, but soon a familiar smile tugged at her lips.

“Then why are you wasting time talking?”

He kissed her, in part to silence her cheeky remarks, but more so because her mouth was close and so intent on being kissed. Since it was hard to resist, he didn’t bother trying.

She kissed him back, her hands—those creatures borne right out of his dirtiest fantasies—continued to stroke him until he was harder than he’d ever thought possible.

“Woman, if you keep that up, I’m not going to have much of a mind left for foreplay.” He held her hips, pulling her up towards him so the length of his erection pressed against her, only the pitiful, cotton barrier of their underwear keeping them apart. Alice let out a moan, her fist falling away from his cock.

When he released her hips in favor of a tight hold on her ass, she pushed herself harder, rubbing the heat of her body along his shaft. Torturous little minx.

“Fine,” he growled. “Have it your way.”

“I intend to.” Her voice was deep and husky, the words catching on her throat the way her fingertips were catching on his stubble.

Alex yanked off her underwear with barely a glance down. He relinquished his straddling position on her to get the panties all the way off, then chucked them onto the floor before kneeling in front of her.

Alice propped herself up onto her elbows to watch him, her concern only thinly veiled. “What are you doing? I thought you said no foreplay.”

“Sweetheart, if you think I’m passing up a chance to have a taste of you, you’re fucking dreaming.”

“But I—”

“Shh.” He had no patience for whatever silly complaint she was going to utter. Why was it women always felt the need to deter men from oral with pointless concerns like, but I haven’t showered today or no, it’s okay you don’t need to do that? Of course he didn’t need to do it. He wanted to do it. He craved it. Women seemed to think men ate pussy out of obligation. A good man ate it because it was the best thing on the planet to have under his tongue.

He dragged her towards the end of the mattress, giving her plenty of time to wriggle free if she didn’t want it. But she stayed put, her legs spreading at his gentlest urging. To see her laid out like that, open before him, was almost enough to make him come. In the dim light, he could barely make out the details of her pussy but for the neatly trimmed curls and the sheen of her wetness. So wet he couldn’t resist the urge to run his fingers down her seam. Slick, hot and ready.

But he wanted to make her beg for him.

With his tongue, he trailed the path his finger had taken. The moment he touched her she gasped, her hips bucking under the new sensation. He lapped at her with slow, teasing strokes until she was moaning. She dug her fingers into his hair, wordlessly demanding he stay where he was. When she arched herself towards him, he stopped.

“Wh-why did you—?”

“Didn’t you want me to skip foreplay?” He glanced up at her, licking her off his lips and tilting his head with a coy smirk. “I mean, that’s what you said, wasn’t it?”

“Oh my God, you evil prick. Shut up and keep going.”

He laughed and resumed his efforts, no longer playing nice. Gone were the slow licks. This time he dipped his finger inside her, curling it back towards him in a come-hither gesture, stroking her from within until he found the place he was looking for. When she let out a sharp cry, soon muffled by a pillow over her face, he knew he’d gotten the sweet spot.

Stroking over and over, he lapped at her clit, circling it, then flicking with the tip of his tongue until her cries—though dampened—reached a fever pitch, and her whole body tightened before she went slack.

Alice pulled the pillow away, panting.

“Sweet Jesus, Alex.”