Emmy grasped his thighs and her orgasm built, clenching him from the inside. The closer she came, the pulse of her body worked him like a hand, until they both reached the precipice at the same moment, coming as one. It was impossible to tell whose ragged breaths were whose as they collapsed, spent, into Tucker’s sheets.

It had been worth the wait, for Tucker. Never in his life had he been rewarded for his patience as profoundly as he had with Emmy.

“Thank you,” she whispered into his ear.

Tucker laughed and pulled away enough to focus on her. Her eyes held a dreamy quality, and the smile on her lips was enough to make his heart melt. “Thank you for what?” he teased.

“For being you. For everything.” She nestled into the crook of his shoulder, and soon her breathing softened, telling him she’d fallen asleep.

He stayed awake, staring at the skyline of the Bay, wondering what he’d done in a previous life to deserve getting so lucky in this one.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“You look like you got rode hard and put away wet,” Jasper said with irritating cheer when Emmy came into the trainer’s suite later that morning.


“Rough night?” Her assistant eyed her, obviously trying to glean some knowledge from her appearance. As he was not a wizard, she knew the way she looked wouldn’t tell Jasper what she’d been up to. Yet they’d known each other a long time. Long enough he could see on her face when she was hiding something from him.

“You could say that.”

“Did you break up with Clark Kent?”


“Sorry…Simple Simon.”

There was no point in defending Simon against Jasper’s teasing anymore. There hadn’t ever really been a point. Jasper would say what he wanted to say, and it was one of his most annoying traits as well as one of the reasons she loved him.

“Yes, I broke up with Simon.”

“About damn time.”

“Gee, thanks.”

Jasper hopped up on the edge of one of the massage tables and continued winding a roll of tensor bandage. Judging by the pile of tight skin-colored rolls on the counter, he’d been at the task for a while.

“Oh come on. You and I both know it was a long time coming. Everyone knows it’s been a long time coming. And now you can put me out of my misery and go climb the tall, handsome tree that is Tucker Lloyd.”

Emmy would have given anything right then for an off switch on her incessant blushing. If her expression wasn’t already a dead giveaway, the hot flush that flooded her cheeks wouldn’t escape Jasper’s attention.

She tried to turn away and busy herself with the dugout med kit, but avoidance was almost as bad as facing him outright.

“Emmett Rose Kasper, you look at me.”

“Jesus, Jasper.” She faced him, hoping her cheeks weren’t half as red as they felt. “Did you just channel my mother?”

“I hope not, because I don’t want your dearly departed mom seeing the Emmy Got Fucked billboard currently lit up on your forehead.”

Emmy huffed a sigh and put her med bag on the table next to him, stealing a few of his tensor rolls. “Don’t say another word.”

“You sure didn’t waste any time.” His tone was teasing and nonjudgmental, but all the same Emmy felt a pang of guilt. The corpse of her relationship with Simon hadn’t even been cold before she jumped into Tucker’s bed.

Though, in all fairness, she had woken up in Tucker’s bed, which made it a short hop.

“Was it amazing?” Jasper asked, his voice going dreamy like a middle school girl asking about a friend’s first kiss.

“I’m not going to tell you.”