He must still be asleep, because the Emmy he knew didn’t seem the sort of girl to play dirty in bed. But if this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. The woman he’d long assumed was a nice girl in every aspect of her character was proving that even the princess-types sometimes like to get a bit naughty.

And he hoped she could take it as well as she could dish it out.

He wasn’t as young as he’d once been, and an instant rebound from coming to being good to go wasn’t going to happen, so he’d need a way to distract her until he could make love to her properly. He wanted to give her a taste of what she’d given him.

Once again he kissed his way down her belly, enjoying every squirm and appreciative moan she graced him with along the way. This time, there were no pants or underwear to distract him from staying on task. He kissed her mound, and she gasped lightly, though he hadn’t yet begun doing what he intended. He hoped by the time he was through she’d be doing more than just gasping.

Tucker wanted a lot of things from Emmy, but more than anything, he wanted to please her. It was why he asked for her help on the field, and he was fairly certain he’d follow that desire to hell and back if it would make her happy. At the moment, his need to satisfy her had a very logical outlet, one he’d been desperate to act on for months.

He slid a finger inside her, finding her much wetter than he’d dared hope. She wriggled against his slightest touch, arching herself towards him for more. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the movement of her body, making note of how she responded to each crook and twist so he knew exactly what did it for her.

He’d never had a partner be quite so responsive. Tucker had thought he’d had amazing sex in the past, but that was all before Emmy. He hadn’t even buried himself inside her yet, and she was already, by far, the most engaging woman he’d ever been with. She made him believe every kiss and lick and touch was the best she’d felt, and that stroked his ego in a way no verbal compliment could.

Slipping another finger between her folds, he stroked the sensitive tissue around her clit, using her wetness to ease the slide of his fingers. When she began to twitch, her feet braced on his shoulders, he stooped low and spread her wide before him so he could see her perfectly. Her damp curls framed swollen pink lips, and it was an invitation he couldn’t resist. He licked her, keeping his tongue rigid until he reached her clit, where he gave a teasing flick over the bud, making her yelp.

With each pass of his tongue, he lavished more and more attention on her core until she was squirming and gasping, mewling out noises he’d never heard before. When she clasped his hair and ground her hips up to meet his mouth, he slid a finger inside her and curved it back, stroking her from the inside and the out in equal measure.

Her body tensed everywhere—her thighs and feet and in the contracting walls of her pussy. This was the reaction he’d been hoping for, and her satisfaction was right within his reach. He picked up the pace of his tongue until she pulled his hair almost painfully and screamed, “Tucker, oh my God, Tucker. Yes. Yesyesyesyes…” all before the words became garbled and her orgasm crested. He stilled his tongue and kissed the soft skin of her inner thigh, causing her to shiver. When she let go of his hair, he looked up at her.

“How’re you doing?” he asked her.

Emmy gave a limp thumbs-up, then patted him on the head.

“Good,” he said. His erection had returned, harder than before, spurned by the intensity of her arousal and the force of her orgasm. If he could do that with his tongue and fingers, he wanted to show her how he could treat her with his whole body.

He’d been prepared to go at it short and dirty, just to come again, but now that he’d experienced her orgasm, he was intent on giving her another one.

Tucker propped himself on his elbows, gently kissing the skin below her navel, then each of her hipbones. Emmy ran her fingers through his hair, her own coif twice as messy as it had been before they’d begun. She must have been doing some epic thrashing while he’d gone down on her to result in that level of tangle.

He kneeled on the edge of the bed, parting her knees to accommodate his body. Her eyes closed, and a lazy, happy smile spread over her lips when he touched her between her legs, finding her still wet and ready for him.

Guiding his cock to her opening, he ran the head over the lips of her pussy, slicking his skin with her wetness, closing his eyes to better focus on the dizzying sensation of it. He wanted to thrust hard, bury himself deep inside her and come again, but he brought himself to his senses as soon as the notion crossed his mind.

He was so intent on being inside her, he’d almost gone in bare.

Clearing her throat, Emmy had obviously arrived at the same realization. “Do you have something?” she asked, her voice rough with desire, eyes half-closed.

“Nightstand drawer.” Tucker jutted his chin to the cherry wood stand beside Emmy’s shoulder. She fumbled, trying to make her limbs work with her, and got the drawer open. Instead of handing him the condom, she ripped the package open herself and didn’t hesitate before rolling it over the head of his cock and down the shaft.

As much as he would have loved to go without, this was their first time and they hadn’t taken an opportunity to discuss the finer points of what a sexual relationship would mean. He didn’t know if she was on the Pill, and as cute as little Tucker-Emmy babies might be, he was certain neither of them wanted children at this point in their careers.

Now covered against concern, Tucker resituated himself and entered her, nudged in just an inch. Emmy gasped, and he paused, rocking his hips slightly to enjoy the tight feel of her clinging to him. He pushed another inch, and this time she arched her back, raising her hips to meet his thrust. Tucker took her invitation, and holding her waist, he buried himself so deep in her his balls smacked against her ass.

Oh, God. Had sex ever felt this good before? He’d wanted to have Emmy like this for months, ached to be with her, and now that he was finally discovering what it meant to be inside her, he didn’t

ever want to give up the sensation.

Emmy groaned a happy, wanton sound, and he withdrew almost all the way, reveling in the wet tightness of her that fit him like a glove. His heart hammered as he tried to restrain himself, wanting to make this last, but every fiber of his being was shouting—

“Faster,” Emmy commanded, speaking aloud what his own body demanded.

Tucker was as eager to respond to Emmy’s suggestions off the field as well as on, it seemed. He thrust into her again, only now he didn’t stop. He pumped faster and faster, until her panting breaths began to match his own, and she clawed at him, nails raking his arms and back as she tried to find purchase on something. Tucker cupped her face, and she drew his thumb into her mouth, sucking it the way she had his cock earlier.

He groaned and drove fiercely into her, the slick, sweaty sounds of their bodies meeting a rhythm unlike any other, the beat of it urging him to pound her harder. Each time he raised the bar, she said, “Yes, oh yes.” It was the greatest word he’d ever heard in his life.

As she writhed under him, he felt himself building towards climax like it was a cliff ahead he couldn’t avoid falling over. But he wanted to bring her with him—needed to bring her with him. He slowed down before he came and reached between them, finding her clit with his thumb. As he rocked against her, he circled her swollen nub with precise attention, first barely touching it, then matching the speed to his thrusts.

He was close, but the part of his brain still capable of rational thought told him he wouldn’t enjoy it unless he got her there too. Her satisfaction was as much a reward to him as his own.