Page 6 of Chasing Kings

She grimaced.

“What about You’ve Got Male? Or P.S. I Fucked You?”

She lifted her hand to her mouth to hide her smile. “You made that one up.”

Ethan shook his head. “Nope.”

“That’s awful.”

He shrugged and let his duffle bag drop to the floor, getting tired of holding it up. “I don’t name them, I just show up.”

“And…there’s really a girl named Samantha Hart?”

“Yup. She’s the reigning Anal Queen for Wet Video.”

Samantha made a face that resembled one someone might make if they’d eaten rotten seafood. “There are so many things wrong with that sentence. I’m sorry, clearly there was a mix-up at the front desk. I didn’t mean to intrude.” She pulled the keycard to the room from her pocket and held it out. When he didn’t take it, she placed it on the bed. “I’ll go back downstairs and get my real room. You and Samantha have…fun. Sorry.”

She moved to go past him, but he was quick, sidestepping to block her path. “Hey now, what’s the hurry?”

“This isn’t my room.”

“No, but it’s my room.”

“Ethan, you seem very…” she stared at him, looking him up and down like another glance might help her find the right word, “…friendly. But I’ve had a long day, and this has been incredibly embarrassing, and I’d like to have a shower and get some sleep.”

“I have a shower.”

Her entire neck turned red. She was quickly running out of places she could blush. “Your shower has a cage in it.”

“I didn’t suggest you had to use the cage.” He grinned.

Samantha rolled her eyes, regaining some of her composure. “Does this routine often work for you?”

“What routine?”

“The charming, bad-boy, Lothario thing you have going on? Do you tell girls you’re a porn star and expect them to say show me your dick?” Her eyes widened when she was finished, evidently surprised by her own phrasing.

“I don’t expect it, but if history is any indication…”


“I think you have the wrong idea.” Unless she wanted him to take his cock out. He could. “Let me make you a drink, and we’ll call the front desk and have them sort out your room for you. No sense in you going all the way back downstairs.”

“Well…” She was considering it, which meant he’d already won.

He held his hands up in mock surrender. “I’ll play nice.”

“What about your Samantha Hart?”

“Oh Christ, she doesn’t get out of bed before two in the afternoon. I was shocked when they said she’d already checked in since I wasn’t expecting her until later tonight. She has to get in from L.A. still.” If she showed up. His heart had leapt when the desk girl said Sam was here because he thought there was a chance Kelly had gotten his message and taken his words seriously. The room had been rented for them on behalf of Wet Video, and it wasn’t like Kelly to turn down an all-expense-paid suite. Especially not the Hard Rock’s Provocateur Suite.

“And you guys are on what, some sort of…romantic getaway?” The real Samantha assessed the room, her gaze landing on the giant bed.

“Nope. The AVAs are later this week. This suite was a thanks from one of the vendors. I like a free room as much as the next guy.”

“The AVAs?”

Ethan guided her towards the sitting room, trying his best to move her without actually touching her. “The Adult Video Awards.”