Page 44 of Chasing Kings

Sam nodded.

“I’ll be good to you,” he whispered, unclasping her bra with such precision she didn’t realize he’d done it until it was half off.

He latched on to her nipple, his stubble rough against the sensitive skin of her breast, and when he bit down, she let out an excited, “Oh.”

“You like that?” he mumbled into her flesh, teasing her by rolling the swollen bud between his front teeth, gentle, but with enough pressure to ride the line of pleasure and pain.

“Yes,” she groaned.

“If you won’t tell me want you want, I’m going to figure it out on my own. I can read you pretty well, you know.” The promise had a threatening edge to it, but it was one she wanted to see him follow through on. He switched sides, repeating the same biting and licking pattern on her other nipple while pinching the already reddened one between his thumb and forefinger, keeping her attention divided between the two sensations.

Her hands lost their rhythm, and she let go of his cock, drowning in the perfect ecstasy of pleasure his mouth was giving her.

Just when she thought she might go mad, he pulled away with one last flick of the tongue. The look he gave her before settling back over her was a mix of triumph and near-drunken satisfaction.

“You want me,” he told her, a proclamation rather than a question.

“Yes,” she answered anyway.

“How bad do you want me?” His hands ran up the length of her thighs, fingers cupping her sex over the sheer lace of her panties. She gasped again from the unexpected electricity of his touch. “How bad?”

“Very.” She squirmed up to meet his exploring digits but suddenly felt too shy to touch him back. He was working her with the expert strokes of a master, and she had barely figured out paint by numbers. How could she hope to give him half the pleasure he’d already given her?

He pushed aside her underwear without removing it, slicking two fingers over her lips before delving inside her with deep, commanding thrusts.

“You want me bad.” He withdrew his fingers, circling her clit with his thumb in maliciously slow strokes. “You’re so fucking wet, baby.”

It was the dirtiest anyone had spoken to her, and the seedy quality of the words made her even wetter. She writhed up, arching her hips into his exploring fingers.

“I’m going to take these off.” He stopped touching her long enough to remove the embarrassingly dampened underwear and toss them aside. He returned his attention to her, favoring her with purposeful, slow strokes as he lay down on her again, kissing her.

The heat remained, but their almost indecent ferocity had mellowed. Now the kisses were gentle and sweet and made her feel warm through and through, while he used his well-trained fingers to bring her to the edge of what promised to be a mind-bending orgasm.

Like riding a roller coaster, she felt the tension building as she rose to the highest point, and right before she got there everything got slow, as if time were moving backwards and she might never make it over.

Then he thrust his fingers into her again while continuing to circle her clit with faster motions, and she fell. The roller coaster hit the edge, and she was in free fall, screaming her way to the bottom even though she couldn’t catch her breath.

He pulled his fingers out and kissed her softly while she trembled through the aftershocks of the orgasm, panting against his lips with her eyes shut tight like she feared she might fall apart if she opened them.

“You good, baby?”

“So good,” she whispered, when she found she could breathe again.

“You ready for me?”

She recalled the way she hadn’t been able to contain him with two hands, and how he’d filled her mouth earlier that night with both his thickness and length.

“I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for you.”

Ethan laughed, his voice hoarse from heavy breathing. “You’d be surprised.”

He hopped off the bed and crossed the room to where his jacket sat on the couch. Rifling through the pocket, he withdrew a small foil packet, tore it open with his teeth and rolled it on with the perfected ease of a friendly handshake. She was impressed, both with the speed of his maneuver and that she hadn’t had to remind him to get a condom.

When he returned to the bed, he nudged her legs wider with gentle pressure from his thighs. Feeling the head of his cock at her opening, Sam froze, momentarily worried she wouldn’t be able to continue.

“Just relax,” he whispered, sensing her tension. He smoothed her hair back and kissed her more deeply this time. The now-familiar way his tongue flirted with hers and the perfect harmony of their lips working together made the nerves melt away, and she lifted her hips to meet him.

He entered her slowly, and in spite of her wetness he still felt huge. She winced, clawing at his back, her short nails digging into his skin as he thrust deeper.