In the silence that followed the explosion, neither now seemed all that likely.

I made my wa

y back to the low-ceilinged entrance, but found my legs were too wobbly to crouch, so I got on my hands and knees and crawled out to the front. Whenever I put any weight on my left arm my open wound screamed in protest, and by the time I reached the mouth of the cave, I could no longer support myself on it.

Cool, damp air greeted me like an old friend, washing over my face and turning the layer of dust into a coat of wet muck. That, combining with the blood on my shirt, turned me into a walking nightmare-creature that would send laundry maids into fits.

My poor shirt.

I took my cap off—which had remarkably weathered the whole ordeal with only a few blood splatters and a layer of dust—and wiped my face as clean as I could using my filthy arm.

When I got to the edge where the waterfall gave way to the narrow path back to where I’d rappelled down, my body said nope. There would be no cliff hugging. No rock face climbing.

I sat on a rock, the mist from the waterfall soaking me, and the skies overhead opened up. The threatened storm had arrived, and now the rain fell in sheets so thick I could barely see the top of the cliff where Eduardo had parked the jeep.

I could make out my Bolivian escort though, standing at the edge, waving.

Guess I’d announced my exit pretty loudly.

“Ms. McQueen, are you okay?”

I put my cap back on, protecting my eyes from the falling rain, and suddenly I was laughing.

I laughed so hard I had to catch my breath before I could reply.

“I’ll live.”

Thanks for reading Black Magic Bayou! I hope you enjoyed the continuing adventures of Genie McQueen. Genie and her crew will be back next spring (along with some old friends and enemies) so stay tuned.

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Can’t wait to start another Sierra Dean book? Keep reading for a sample chapter of Thunder Road, the Tallulah Corentine Rain Chaser series. Book 2 comes out February 2017.

Thunder Road (Rain Chaser #1)

Being Chosen was supposed to be a gift.

That’s what Tallulah Corentine’s parents told her when they handed her over to the Rain Chasers on her seventh birthday. It was an honor to be born with a destiny, to be hand selected by the gods before taking her first breath. She should be overjoyed.

Twenty years later, Tallulah is still waiting for the gift. She might have the power of the storm at her fingertips, but she’s spent her whole adult life living under a cloud.

A cross-country trip to find the wayward son of Seth, god of the storm, turns into a fight for her life when she dupes Death out of a valuable treasure. With only a wily con man, a dangerously handsome bad-luck priest, and a lot of lightning to help her, can she deliver the package and keep herself out of an early grave?

Or will Seth be looking for a new Rain Chaser before it’s all over?

Chapter One

Contrary to popular opinion, you can cheat Death.

She just doesn’t like it very much.

At the moment I wasn’t concerned about Manea or the grisly fate that awaited me if one of her goons caught up to me, however. I was too busy trying to keep all four of my Mustang’s wheels on the blacktop. Otherwise I’d be driving my way off a cliff and right into the goddess’s cold embrace.

No thank you.