Now he sounded extra annoyed. “Tansy. I just told you.”

Tansy. Tansy who was staring at me, moving ever closer with slow, meaningful steps. She had a smirk on her lips that reminded me of a cat right before it pounced on a bird.


I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence.

A hand clapped over my mouth, and I was yanked backwards through the wall.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I wrenched myself free from whoever was holding me and whipped around with a loud snarl. My fist was raised, ready to do some serious damage.

Looking back at me, a finger held against his full lips in a shh gesture, was Santiago.

He kept one hand on my arm and moved his finger to my lips, shaking his head. I twisted my face away, not liking the faint tingle I felt when he touched me. My heart was pounding a mile a minute, and my adrenaline was through the roof. He was lucky I hadn’t punched a hole in his face.

I wanted to ask what he was doing here and, more importantly, how he’d been able to pull me through a solid wall, but when he saw the questions forming, he gave his head a firm shake.

Apparently this was not a time for talking.

Wherever he’d taken me, there wasn’t a lot of space. I’d been able to pull away from his hold, but beyond that I couldn’t do much more than turn in a circle or go sideways. This didn’t even qualify as a room. If I was going to hazard a guess, I’d say we were probably inside the walls.

The pounding rhythm of the party was muffled but still loud enough I could make out the sounds of shrieking and hoarse laughter. Something shattered, and a boisterous cheer echoed through the room.

Underneath that was a faint, hollow-sounding tap-tap-tap.

I shuddered and involuntarily moved a half step closer to Santiago.

The tapping traveled along the wall, coming nearer and nearer to us before stopping for a pause directly in front of where we were waiting. Involuntarily, I covered my mouth and nose with my hands and kept my eyes locked on the area ahead of me. I half-expected Tansy to burst through the wall and yank me out the same way Santiago had yanked me in.

Instead the tapping began again, continuing down the wall and away from us. Soon I couldn’t hear it at all anymore, just the endless noise of the party and the slow creep of footsteps groaning on the boards over our heads.

“What are you doing here?” My voice was so quiet he needed to lean in to hear me.

“You said you needed me.”

“I said it would be beneficial for you to hurry up with your spell. I didn’t say I needed a knight in shining armor.”

He breathed out slowly through his nose, his hand drifting up my arm and coming to rest on my shoulder. “And yet, you did need me.” His thumb brushed against my jaw, putting the smallest amount of pressure below my ear in a way that made my head feel warm.

I didn’t reply.

I probably would have been okay. Me, Tansy, and the demon that was turning a whole house party into a sex-fueled nightmare. Yup, no help needed, I had this completely under control. Right.

“Where’s Wilder?” I gently removed Santiago’s hand from my face and inched away from him.

“He wasn’t my first priority.”

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness quickly, and I got a good look at him. His hair was brushed back, giving a perfect view of his tattoos, dark against his skin. This time he’d been considerate enough to put on a shirt—a Black Flag tee with holes at the collar—and appeared almost normal.

In his own home, Santiago had been the definition of enchanting and downright mystical. Everything about him had been a perfect example of how a witch should look and live. But here in my world it was a different story.

He could have been any handsome guy on the street. If I overlooked all the tattoos and the smell of magic radiating off him, I wasn’t sure I?

?d have noticed anything out of the ordinary about him.

The hotness, maybe.