A long, quiet pause followed this, during which I could only hear the muffled sounds of an airport. Finally she said, “In my experience most sorority houses are already filled with demons.”

Oh good. She was making jokes.

“Secret. Come on.”

“Are you sure it’s a demon? I’ve only come across one once. They’re not all that common. Maybe it’s some kind of fae. What did it look like?”

“Umm. It looked like a tapeworm swallowed a human and then had sex with the giant spider from Lord of the Rings.”

Another quiet spell. “I beg your pardon?”

“I don’t know how else to explain it to you any better. It looked like a fucking demon, what else do you want me to tell you?”

“How many fae have you ever seen in person? They can be pretty creepy.”

“But humans can see fae. Only Wilder and I could see this thing.”


“Yeah, that wasn’t really my first word to describe it. Plus it knew my name. It said it knew me.”

“It knew your name?” All the lightness and joking vanished from her tone, telling me perhaps this was a bit of information worth being worried about.

“It said, I know you, Eugenia. Not ‘Genie’ like it overheard someone in the house saying it. Eugenia.”

Wilder came in through the side door wearing his grey mechanic overalls and a white T-shirt stained with grease. He wiped his brow with the back of his arm, smearing a black trail close to his hairline.

He looked as though he’d stepped right out of a porno and was going to ask if I needed a tune up.

“You needed a tune up,” he said.

I swallowed hard.

“Genie, focus,” Secret insisted.

“Sorry, did you say something?”

“I asked you if you let it touch you.”

“No.” I replayed the entire scene in the sorority house bedroom, going over it frame by frame. It hadn’t touched me, right? Not that I could remember. I was pretty sure Wilder and I had made it through the door before the thing had a chance to come close to me. “No,” I repeated it more firmly this time.

She made a small, thoughtful sound, and muttered, “Keaty, you’d know what to do. What would you do?”

I don’t think I was meant to have heard it, so I stayed quiet.

When she’d finished debating what her dead former mentor would do in her shoes, she cleared her throat and said, “You might be a little fucked.”

Magnolia, sitting on the couch behind me, clearly heard this because she let out a snort laugh which she then stifled by pretending to sneeze. Once again I was reminded why Mags would never be the ideal candidate to conduct any kind of espionage.

She was also the only one here other than me who was acquainted with Secret and her very particular demeanor. This kind of thing was nothing new for her, and both Mags and I knew that. It was the only reason I didn’t want to rip my hair out over how useless her assessment was.

“Tell me something I don’t already know.”

“Look, Gene, I don’t want to state the obvious or anything, but a demon is a bit above your paygrade. That’s nothing against you as a wolf, or a witch, or an Alpha, but the last demon I faced stole my identity, and I needed a magic fucking sword to kill it. Do you have a magic sword?”

“I do not.” I didn’t have any swords, unlike my crazy-ass sibling who apparently kept them lying around her house.

I added get a sword to my mental to-do list.