Had there been anyone around to hear him say it, the words alone could have been taken as an open challenge. Instead, they just stung like a proverbial slap in the face.

We’ll see.

Two small words, so loaded with meaning it would take an entire road crew to unpack them.

“Sit down,” I snarled. I stayed near the door, watching like a hawk as he debated between the two chairs. Instinct and pride told him to sit behind the desk, but status and propriety finally won and he sat in the guest chair.

It was so stupid too, because both chairs were the exact same. The only thing that gave one more importance than the other was the placement in the room.

I took the spot with the most authority and folded my arms on the desk, weaving my fingers together in a gesture I’d seen Callum use a thousand times. It said, I’m listening. This is my patient face.

Beneath that, it said, I can destroy you if need be.

Werewolves did not believe in idle threats, and unspoken warnings carried as much weight as anything I might say out loud.

For a long while we sat across from each other in absolute silence, neither wanting to be the first to blink. Then I asked again, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to help.”

“No, Ben. What are you doing here? Why are you in my territory without my consent?”

My fingers were so stiff from tension they were starting to hurt. I didn’t flinch.

“Now I need permission to come visit my little sister?”

Little. I was born three minutes after him. The condescension of his phrasing rankled me, and I knew he’d said it intentionally to get under my skin. No one could push your buttons quite like someone who had spent nine months in the womb with you.


“Don’t play dumb with me.” I eased my fingers apart, trying to get the blood circulating again.

“I never needed approval before.”

“There wasn’t a designated Alpha in place before. It used to be part of Callum’s territory. Now it’s my territory.” Okay, so maybe I placed my emphasis just to get to him. Two could play at this petty little game.

“So it is.”

“And you know how the rules work.”

Ben sneered at me, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs at the knee. With his fingers interlaced and resting on his stomach, he looked like he owned the place.

In a million years I’d never be able to look that at home anywhere. No wonder everyone assumed he’d be the one to take over the pack, instead of me. He exuded an effortless confidence that let everyone in his periphery know he was a prince. He practically stank of royalty.

I drove a Dodge and needed to remind myself to wash my hair every other day.

He belonged in this seat more than me, and we both knew it.

Or he was trying to convince me we both knew it.

I didn’t want to get all rah-rah, believe in yourself, Genie, but I hated him for making me doubt my worth. I deserved this. Callum had chosen me, hand-picked me to be here, and Ben was jealous it hadn’t been him.

Of course, I’d been in power a mere three months and was currently having a day that would make Jack Bauer say, “That’s a bit much.”

I slapped my hands down on the desk, making him jerk upright in his chair. Outside, Detective Perry looked back over his shoulder at us, a questioning brow raised like he wasn’t sure if he should intervene or not.

Giving my head a gentle shake, I returned my focus to my brother.

“Tell me what you’re really doing here, or I will ban you from ever setting foot in this area again.”