For a second his eyes widened and his mouth went slack in shock, then his body went limp, the full weight of him collapsing on top of me.

“I liked this shirt,” I grumbled.

The last of the minion vamps didn’t even wait for me to get the dead vampire weight off me. He fell on top of his former friend, snarling and snapping, crazed from the exposed blood he could probably taste in the air.

“Fuck off.” My gun hand was free again, and in spite of the searing pain it caused to move my bitten arm, I got the weapon up and pulled the trigger.

His head exploded.

And now there were two dead vampires on top of me.

“You bitch,” the vampire in the robe shouted.

“I’ve been called worse.” The air was being slowly crushed out of my lungs, but I somehow managed to wriggle myself out from under the stack of bodies. The front of my once-white shirt was red, both from my blood and theirs.

The master vampire was in front of me in a flash, moving with a speed that couldn’t even be registered by the human eye. One second he was across the room, and the next he had my wrist in his hand, squeezing so hard I was forced to drop the Sig.

He shoved me face-first against the wall, holding my hands behind me, the way a police officer might hold someone they were about to cuff. When he pressed his mouth against my ear, his fangs were so sharp the point of one grazed my earlobe. I shuddered.

“You have taken my flock from me.”

“Guess you weren’t much of a shepherd, then.”

He pushed my face hard against the stone wall, and I could practically feel the bruise blooming across my cheek.

I guess all those warnings I’d heard in my youth about there being a time and place for sass were right. If I hadn’t figured out when to shut up by now, I’d probably never learn.

“You took their lives, and now I will have you to start a new church. You will be my disciple, and I will show you the true face of God.”

He adjusted his grip on my hands, and my fingers brushed the open zipper of the pouch on the back of my belt.

I had a really bad idea.

I twisted in his grip, feigning like I might try to fight him. Instead, as he strengthened his hold on me, I was able to get my fingers around the little metal egg in my bag. I inched it up into my palm, my heart hammering a mile a minute, praying to any other gods present that I wouldn’t accidentally pull the pin.

As soon as the grenade was in my palm, I let out a tiny gasp of relief.

“If you’re going to bite me, the least you could do is look me in the eye.” My pulse was going a mile a minute. This all depended on him letting go of me just long enough that I could move my arm.

“You want to look death in the face?” His tone was cocky, confident. This guy was definitely sure he had me beaten, and that only pissed me off more.

“Yes please.”

“So be it.” He released my hands and spun me around, slamming me against the cavern wall. He showed me his fangs, and if I’m being totally honest, they were pretty scary.

My grenade was scarier.

I shoved it into his mouth so hard his front canine cracked, and then I pulled the pin.

“When you see the real God, tell him I say hi.”


I was barely up the cave incline when the explosion knocked me off my feet.

Bits of rock and debris rained down from above, clattering really aggressive hail. Dust settled on me, leaving a thick coating of grime all over my skin. I staggered to my feet, shaking off the stone, and held my breath.

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. Maybe that the whole cave would collapse in on me, burying me alive? Or that the vampire had somehow managed to get the grenade out of his mouth—which he’d been trying so desperately to do he’d let me go.