I found my rifle a few feet away and collected it, and by a quick count I saw we had actually taken care of all the cultists. The only thing left now was the demons.

And the gate.

Someone still needed to close the gate.

I glanced down the alley then up the side walls and realized there was an access ladder on one of the buildings that would take me up to the roof. I could conceivably get around both demons unnoticed.

Heaven help me, it was time to do something super fucking stupid.

Chapter Eight

The agents and Harold were involved in something of a standoff with the two demons.

It was clear that Red and Big Black didn’t seem particularly concerned about the group at their feet, and they certainly weren’t put off by their dead acolytes, but at some point soon they would get annoyed about their path being blocked and all hell would break loose.

Which, if I didn’t fuck this up, was precisely what I was hoping to stop.

I slipped the rifle over my shoulder by its strap and skirted around the melee, hoping the demons would stay distracted and the smoke would help mask what I was up to. The buildings were taller than the two demons, so if I could just get to the top, I’d easily be able to pass by without them seeing me.

That meant I had to climb the side of one building pretty much right in front of them though.

“Get them talking,” I whispered, counting on Tyler to help me to make this work. “I’m going to close the gate.” I had to hope it was as easy as breaking a salt line, just in charcoal instead. Interrupt the circle, close the door.

If it was any harder, we were all fucked, but I didn’t see anyone else offering up a brilliant plan.

Tyler swore softly under his breath. Banter wasn’t really in his wheelhouse. Harold must have heard my request, because he spoke up before Tyler could.

“Belphegor, this is beneath you. You can do better than this small town.”

Big Black, now confirmed to be the real Belphegor, made a scoffing sound. “Are you worried you will no longer be able to rule the weak-minded using my name? You useless dung-cunt, I am here to take my proper throne. I will make kings of these sad and pathetic humans, and they will worship me like a god.”

I was no expert on demonology, but I’d looked up Belphegor after we took Harold into custody. His forte was giving get-rich-quick ideas to those looking to make money with little-to-no effort. I couldn’t say for certain, but I was willing to bet the ShamWow had been a Belphegor specialty.

He would be right at home in a town like Los Angeles where everyone wanted to be rich and famous but rarely wanted to do an honest day’s work. This was absolutely his ideal sandbox.

No wonder he’d been waiting at the door like an eager dog.

I made my way to the ladder, glad to have the big guy monologuing. This should keep him busy enough for me to get to the roof.

“I was not pretending to be you,” Harold protested. “I merely gave your name to keep from being bound.”

“Oh, so it’s okay for me to be bound?”

“There is no one here mighty enough to bind a Prince of Hell,” Harold countered, appealing to Belphegor’s ego. Good move, buddy.

I crested the edge of the building with my heart in my throat, convinced one of the demons would spot me, pluck me off the roof, and eat me whole. But nothing happened. I pulled myself up onto the top of the building and let my heartbeat steady, gathering my breath for the next stage of the plan.

I crawled on my hands and knees, going slow, slow, slower still as the tips of Belphegor’s wings appeared on my right. I was sure I had underestimated the height of the building and would look over and see his milky-white eyes staring at me.

The worst-case scenario didn’t come.

I ignored the bits of rock and glass on the rooftop that bit into my palms and delayed my progress. Finally I made it to the far side of the building and risked a peek over the edge.

Shit on a stick.

Have you ever seen an open portal to Hell?

No, of course you haven’t, because you have a nice, normal, sensible life and don’t throw yourself into situations that would lead to things like giant demons and gateways to Hell.