With a tsking sound, Manny laid a hand on Doug’s shoulder. “Hold on, hold on. We need to do this smart. Doug, lemme get my phone out so I can record this. Don’t kill her, don’t hurt her too bad ’cause we need her mobile, but fuck her up enough to get his attention.”

“No, please, no!”

I tried to fight him off, but he was too big, too strong. Jerking me up by my hair, Doug smiled as he laid a harsh slap over my already throbbing face, pain roaring through me. I would have screamed but he sent a fist to my ribs next, hitting hard enough that I couldn’t even draw a breath. Fear paralyzed me, but did nothing to ease the pain as he hit and punched me, calling me vile names, spitting on me and ripping at my clothes. I managed to rally when he started to take my pants off, but he merely choked me until I almost passed out then continued.

Drawing in any kind of deep breath hurt and I stopped trying, hoping that I could go unconscious, make the pain stop, not be aware of the violation that was going to happen next.

They were all circled around me now, spitting on me, calling me names, saying horrible things about Leo. My insides shriveled as they discussed who’d get to fuck me first and in what hole, in the most humiliating terms possible.

All I could do was moan in abject pain, the discomfort so great it robbed me of the ability to do anything but exist in the moment. Blood coated my mouth to the point where it was all I could taste, dripping down from my probably broken nose over my already blood-soaked chin. My fingers throbbed from where Manny had stomped on them, and I prayed Joy and Kayla were all right.

At least with the men distracted breaking me, they were momentarily safe.

Holding me up by the hair, Ray wrenched my head back and stared down at me. “Her jaw may be too fucked-up for a proper blow job. I’ll have to fuck her ass instead.”

“You hear that, Leo,” Doug mocked as he stared into the camera of his phone, taking a fucking selfie with my battered body. “Ray’s gonna tear that little asshole up real good, then we’re gonna take her someplace quiet and give all the boys a chance to help us fuck her to death. She’s gonna die covered in our sperm like the whore she is. After that, we’ll let the dogs have her and we’ll film it all, make millions off your whore.”

Nausea bubbled in my stomach and I began to retch. Ray dropped me like I’d caught fire, and if I wasn’t so busy trying to keep my internal organs from rupturing as I threw up, his aversion to vomit would have been funny.

My abdominals cramped as I continued to heave, my retches loud enough that I missed the initial crash of the door to my apartment being knocked down. I forced my sore neck to turn and had to squint to try to see what was going on. My blood roared in my head, dark spots dancing on the edges of my vision as I finally made out who had arrived.

While it wasn’t Leo, it was Mark, along with a man I didn’t recognize, and both men were armed and furious.

With his lips pulled back from his teeth, Mark shot Ray in both legs with his silencer-equipped gun, the man’s cry of pain satisfying a dark part of me that craved his suffering.

“Secure them,” Mark snapped to the man behind him before he rushed over to my side and knelt down. “Oh, Hannah, sweetheart, where do you hurt?”

I couldn’t speak, could only groan as I collapsed, trying not to do it in my puke. Mark made little crooning noises as he gently ran his hands over my body, inspecting my injuries. When he touched my hand, I cried out, and his voice shook as he soothed me. He told me it was going to be okay, that everything was all right, but nothing was okay and it probably never would be.

Somehow the man I loved, I worshiped, was responsible for me being beat to a pulp.

“Leo wants an update,” some guy said from nearby.

“Tell him I think two of her fingers are sprained, maybe broken, as well as her wrist. Her nose is okay, it looks like they were more intent on inflicting pain than actual damage. She might have some internal damage but her face is too fucked-up for her to talk. You check out the other two girls?”

“Yeah, they were tied up and knocked out. The blonde will probably need stitches for a nasty gash she has on her temple. Hannah’s in the worst shape.” Footsteps came near us and the stranger made a low, unhappy sound. “Shit, Leo’s going to lose his mind.”