Not that I had anything to worry about. While Leo was polite to Kayla’s face, and very good at acting like she didn’t exist, I noticed the mask he wore around everyone slipping just a little bit and revealing his loathing for her when she was around. He didn’t just dislike Kayla, he despised her. Once, when Kayla had tripped going down the stairs of our apartment to the sidewalk, she’d tripped, for real, and for a moment I was positive Leo was just going to stand there and watch her fall down the hard steps to the equally hard concrete below, with a smile. The look in his eyes was actually scary at times, like he was thinking of different ways of killing her during the brief times they interacted. Because of this, I tried to avoid her as much as possible, but she was always around if she heard Leo was coming to pick me up. Stupid bitch was either oblivious, or so fucked in the head she really couldn’t see that Leo thought she was scum.

Joy said that Kayla had always done that with my boyfriends, that her self-esteem was such shit that she couldn’t stand the thought of someone wanting me more than her. At first I’d defended her, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized Joy was right. Kayla had flirted with my boyfriends right in front of me, but I’d always made excuses for her, that she was just being friendly and the like.

A sinking feeling hit my stomach and I wondered if she’d ever slept with any of them.

As I passed our neighbors place I sighed as the loud heavy metal they liked pounded through the thin walls and I wondered how long I’d have to listen to ‘Bang Your Head’ before someone complained about the noise. To be honest, I barely even noticed it anymore after living here for two years. The first thing I’d noticed about Leo’s house was how absolutely quiet it was. Here, in the beehive of my apartment building, there was constant noise and in a way I liked it.

The first thing I noticed about our front door was the bright yellow notice of unpaid rent from our landlord taped to it and embarrassment tightened my muscles, along with irritation. Joy and I busted our asses to make sure our bills were paid on time, that we were never late in order to build up good credit, and Kayla couldn’t be fucking bothered. My hand shook slightly as I opened my door, and shame filled me as I wondered how many of our neighbors had seen the notice.

After letting myself in and tossing my purse on the kitchen table, still holding the moldy remains of Kayla’s cereal and oatmeal bowls, I found Joy marching down the hallway from the direction of our bedrooms. She was still in her work clothes, a cute beige and black suit that flattered her curvy frame, and her wild curls had been tamed into a bun. Clenched in her hand was another bright yellow piece of paper that matched the one on the door and she waved it in the air.

“We have three days to either pay the rent or the landlord will start the eviction process.”

I took the paper from her, scanning over it and reading the notes about how many notices we’d been sent, including a registered letter, all of which Joy and I knew nothing about.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I hissed.

“I told you that bitch was getting into some shady shit.”

My heart broke a little bit as I realized my longtime friendship was finally, and irrevocably, dead. “Joy, I’m so sorry.”

“This isn’t your fault. Jesus, don’t take the blame for this.”

“But both you and Leo tried to tell me that Kayla was trouble, and I didn’t believe you, didn’t want to believe you-even though I knew you were right.” My nose burned as worry and guilt twisted through me. “I’m so sorry, Joy, I’ll find a way to fix this.”

Joy grabbed me by my shoulders, and to my surprise, shook me. “Listen to me, woman, this isn’t your fault. What you need to do is help me get ahold of Kayla and find out what the fuck is going on. While that bitch isn’t on my favorites list at the moment, I am worried about her.”

“Me too.” I made my way into the living room before collapsing onto the battered couch, looking around the space that had been my home for three years. “Fuck. What are we going to do?”

Joy kicked off her heels then sat next to me, tucking her legs beneath her. “We’ll figure something out. Worse comes too worst, we can stay with my parents until we can find a new place. And I can’t imagine Leo will let you be homeless, so there is that.”