“This one,” I said with certainty. “This is our dog.”

“Let’s see if she wants to go home with us,” Leo said, and pulled me into his side before kissing the top of my head. “Can we pet her?”

“Of course, she’s a real love hound.”

When Mindy opened the door to the room, the dog suddenly came to life, her butt wiggling so fast she could barely walk as she barreled into me. I sank down to my knees and held her, giving her a good rub down while she sat then covered me in kisses. Leo crouched down behind me, enveloping me in his arms and steadying me while we scratched the pretty dog’s belly and ears, telling her what a good girl she was while she went into ecstasy over all the attention. Mark gave her a few scratches as well, a rare smile breaking out on his face as he told me I’d made a good choice, and pointed out her doggy body language that showed us she was over the moon with happiness at getting attention.

Mindy grew more animated as we talked about the pale gold and brown pit bull, whose name was Honey, and Mindy learned I was familiar with the shelter. Turns out the dog had been raised with a cat, and was very friendly towards them, especially kittens, so Mindy thought introducing Honey to her new friend in a few weeks, after she’d had a chance to settle in, would be a great idea. Tonight, they’d prep the dog for going home with us, give her a bath, microchip her, and give some of the other volunteers a chance to say goodbye to a shelter favorite before we came back and picked her up tomorrow.

I gave Honey a long, big hug and promised her we’d see her tomorrow to take her to her new home, where she’d have the best life, because I knew without a doubt Leo would make sure Honey was always happy.

I was practically vibrating with excitement as we left the shelter, bouncing on my toes as I walked.

A shriek escaped me when Leo swept me into his arms then began to kiss me senseless, his hand winding in my hair and holding me captive as he ravaged my lips. I was glad the business district we were in was almost deserted this time of night, because our kiss was more than borderline indecent. He gripped my ass with both hands and I returned the favor, making out with him like a horny teenager in front of God and everyone. By the time we separated, I was breathing heavy, but still grinning so wide my cheeks hurt.

“This is the best surprise ever.”

“I’m glad,” he murmured, his eyes incredibly tender as he studied me. “You have no idea how good it feels to know you’re happy, to know I’ve made you this way. Your smile is more precious to me than anything.”

“Leo,” I whispered then went in for another kiss, but he dodged my attempt with a chuckle.

“Come on, let’s get you home so I can take care of you properly.”

I flushed, then recalled how uncomfortable I’d been all day. Of course, right now, none of the residual soreness or body aches were there, but I wasn’t used to rough loving and needed to take it slow. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t take him any way I could get him, but I trusted Leo not to hurt me, and part of that trust meant I had to be truthful with him about my body.

“Can we go…careful tonight?”

He helped me into the car and I was glad to see the divider was up between us and Mark. “What do you mean, careful?”

I sighed as he tapped the divider twice before we pulled away from the curb. I buckled up then turned in the lush and totally comfy seat to face Leo. Some of his hair had escaped his rubber band and I tucked it behind his ear, unable to stop myself from basically petting him. He seemed to find my touch fascinating and soon his eyes became heavy-lidded with pleasure as he relaxed.

“I liked everything we did, a lot, but my body isn’t used to such…vigorous activities, and I was very sore today in class. It was uncomfortable and made it hard to concentrate.”

His jaw clenched and I found myself nervously licking my lips as he stared at me like I’d done something wrong. “You were hurting today?”

“Well, yeah.” I tried to laugh it off. “It’s okay, nothing I couldn’t handle. Just forget I said anything.”

“Forget you said anything,” he rumbled. “You want me to forget the fact that I harmed you beyond what you can take?”

“You didn’t harm me! I’m just sore.” I glanced at the partition between us and Mark then lowered my voice. “Really, I liked everything you did to me, and while you were doing it, I swear it was the best thing ever. Just today—well, I’ve never had that much sex in such a short period of time. My previous boyfriends were more of the one-shot-wonder variety than marathon-sex types.”