I did as ordered, wrapping my arms around him as best I could while he cradled me close. “I can’t believe I told her no.”

He pressed his lips to my hair, his hands already stroking me in a soothing rhythm. “I can’t believe she expected you to drop everything to watch a pain-in-the-ass dog.”

I sighed and shook my head, hoping I wasn’t messing up his nice suit. “The dog wouldn’t be that bad, but its owners think of it as an accessory, like a purse, and put it away when they don’t want it.”

“I stand corrected. Sounds like the owners are pieces of shit.”

“They really are. But her parents are worse,” I whispered, as if afraid they’d somehow overhear me. “They were so mean to Kayla growing up.”

“Were Kayla’s parents mean to you as well?”

“Yeah, but in a different way. They always held me up as the shining example of a perfect daughter in order to make Kayla feel bad about herself. I hated that and would try to make them stop, but they’d only act even worse, so after a while I just stopped going over there. I know it hurt Kayla, a lot, and I always felt guilty about that.”

“Jesus, your life has been filled with fucked-up people. Is Joy the only semi-sane friend you have in your life?”

“I guess she is; her and her family. They’re a little odd, but in a good…normal way. Other than her cousin committing suicide, Joy’s family lives a peaceful and happy life. I liked that, like the open love they have for each other. It always felt welcoming in their house, filled with life and people. I want that someday. I want to have a big house filled with family and friends, everyone happy to be there because they know our house is a good place, a safe place, and they’re always welcome in our home.”

“Our house?”

Realizing I’d let one of the daydreams I’d had during class slip through, this one about living in Leo’s awesome house and having a big family together, I blushed. “Sorry, slip of the tongue.”

To my surprise, he smiled. “I’ll give you a slip of the tongue, but later. We have to stop by my office first. I unfortunately have unfinished business that I have to attend to before I can take care of you. But once that’s done with, I’m yours until you have to go back to class.”

“Really?” I sat up in his lap and smiled into his eyes. “Are you sure you can do that?”

“I may have to deal with a few things from time to time, but you’re my priority, Hannah.”

Sure I was glowing like an idiot, I gave Leo a quick kiss on his smooth cheek, pausing a moment to rub my lips over his skin. A bright spark of arousal sent a throb through my body and my nipples tightened so fast it almost hurt. The urge to taste him filled me, and I brushed a few long stray hairs off the side of his neck before licking him right above his collar, along his pulse. I could faintly taste his cologne, but it was mostly male sweat and musk. Delicious.

I took another lick, savoring his taste along my tongue, delighting in the way his body flexed against me. A muttered oath escaped him and he grasped my hips hard as he set me back in my seat with a firm grip and a teasing grin.

“Behave, little girl, because my control around you is seriously strained.” He grabbed my hand and ran it over his hard length. “Feel that? Feel how much I want you?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I whispered while looking into his eyes.

A throat cleared from the front seat, reminding me that we weren’t alone. “We’re here.”

Still holding my gaze, Leo said, “Thank you. We’ll be right out. Go inside and tell them I’ll be there soon.”

Realizing that he had important things to attend to, and that I was being selfish by getting him all hot and bothered, I looked away. “I’m sorry.”

“What could you possibly be sorry for?”

“Well, I’m the reason you’re late for your meeting.”

“You have no reason to feel bad about anything Hannah, understood?”

With a sigh, I blinked up at him and nodded. “Understood. Do you want me to wait out here?”

“No, darling, I want you as close to me as possible.” He placed a soft, so sinfully soft and luscious kiss against my mouth, my bones melting like butter in the sun. “Come on.”

He led me out of the car and I blinked as I saw where we were, the parking lot of a local animal rescue. I always dropped off my old clothing here to be used for bedding for the animals inside, and I’d dreamed of being able to take one of them home with me. I whirled around to stare at Leo, who watched me with an amused smile.