My shoulders drooped and I felt like crap. “I really am sorry.”

“I know.” We exited the elevator and I barely noticed the people entering staring at us. “Just in the future, keep in mind that I’m a wealthy businessman and people have tried, and will try, to blackmail me with all kinds of bullshit. It’s the price I pay for being successful in a cut-throat business. There are many, many people that would love to tear me apart, so you have to be careful where you talk and who you talk to, and not just for me, but for yourself as well.”

“I understand, really, I do.” Guilt still dogged me as I thought about how upset I’d be if I found out he was telling his buddies all about how I was his baby girl. “I’ll be more discreet.”

“That’s all I can ask.”

Chapter 12

I was silent as I approached the Rolls waiting for us at the curb, still unused to people filming me with their cell phones as Mark gave me a nod then opened the door for us, his gray suit once again matching his eyes. The world was a different place now and my being with Leo meant I was going to have to get used to the lack of privacy. For someone with introverted tendencies like myself, it was uncomfortable, but my attention-loving side reveled in their open stares and envy.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar face grimacing at me.

“Hannah,” Kayla yelled out from the edge of the growing crowd.

I turned, my mouth tightening when I saw her decked out in a cute little pink dress that showed off her trim and fit figure, but was more suited to a party than walking to class. Her black, bobbed hair was perfectly styled and her makeup flawless. That, combined with her gleaming white smile and beauty queen good looks, usually made me feel inferior, lucky to be around her.

But not today. She still dressed, and acted, like we were in high school, and it was getting old. I know I’d been fortunate she was my friend in school, that a mean girl had taken me under her wing, but now I wondered when I’d grown up and she hadn’t.

She looked like she was on her way to a club, not class like she should be. Her calculating gaze took in the Rolls, then Leo, and I could practically hear her speculating about his bank account. When she fluttered her lashes at Leo, I had the sudden urge to punch her in the face.

A warm breeze scented with a hint of desperately needed rain stirred the air and thunder rumbled off in the distance.

Struggling to keep from acting like a crazy bitch, I forced myself to say, “Hey, Kayla. I’m about to leave, what’s up?”

She pouted at me. “You promised you’d watch Kiki for me tonight.”

Kiki was Kayla’s aunt’s pain-in-the-ass Pomeranian that destroyed anything in its reach, and that we—meaning me—had to watch at least once a week. Normally I’d stay home and watch the dog, mainly because I didn’t want it demolishing any more of my stuff. If Kayla was home, she’d put him in his crate, then our neighbors would complain when Kiki started up his incessant howling until someone let him out. Once again, usually me.

“No, I didn’t. I told you I wouldn’t be able to watch the dog because I have to study for finals.”

“But you don’t look like you’re studying.” Kayla sniffed as she took in the Rolls again, an ugly gleam entering her gaze.

“Hannah has plans,” Leo said in a firm, no-bullshit voice. “Excuse us.”

“Excuse me,” Kayla snapped, the bitch that lived beneath her candy-coated exterior surfacing. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to my roommate, so butt out.”

I was pissed, seriously pissed, as I growled, “Do not take that tone of voice with him.”

“Really, Hannah? You’re going to take his side?”

Tears filled her eyes and I wanted to apologize in order to keep her from crying, but I wasn’t going to let her manipulate me.

“I’m not taking anyone’s side. You asked me to watch Kiki, I said no because I obviously have plans, and now we’re going. I’ll see you on Wednesday. Bye!”

With that, I entered the car, leaving a stunned Kayla standing on the curb. Before Leo closed the door, she started to yell, but he slammed it shut, cutting her off as Mark quickly drove away. The silence rang in my ears and my heart thundered as I realized what I’d done. I’d stood up to Kayla. I’d rocked the boat and the world hadn’t ended. Adrenaline began to wane from my system and the shaking set in, so much so that my teeth chattered.

Leo hauled me onto his lap, his erection pressing against me, distracting me from my freak out. “Breathe with me, baby girl. I’ve got you. Hold on tight and breathe.”