Like the butt plug. That heavy piece of gold and jewels haunted me, made me squirm as I thought about what it would feel like inside of me. Leo hadn’t said anything about using it in his brief note, so I’d hidden it in my stack of jeans in the closet. Shit, I wondered if I should maybe get a safety deposit box for something intended to go up my ass.

Or his.

I felt a warm tingle when I thought about putting anything in Leo’s spectacularly rounded ass, but that arousal died a quick death when I walked into the empty kitchen of my apartment.

The plates were still in the sink, and the cereal splashed on the wall had dried to a crust, but for once I ignored it. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t clean up after Kayla, that she had to do it herself, even if it did smell. Instead I brewed some mint and lemon tea, something my grandmother used to make for me when I was stressed out.

Just the fresh smell filling the small room soothed me and some of the tension left my chest. I hated fighting, hated disagreements, and dreaded the eventual confrontation I’d have with Kayla about taking care of her shit. She’d cry, pout, whine, and try to manipulate me, but I had to stand up for myself. I was tired of defending her actions to Joy, tired of pretending Kayla didn’t know she was being a bitch. Once upon a time, when we were young, Kayla had been the kind of girl that would stand up for me in front of the entire school, who’d been a good friend and someone I considered family. But she’d changed, we both had, and I didn’t think I could be friends with the person Kayla was now.

I had to come to peace with the fact that the girl I once knew had grown up into a woman I didn’t particularly like.

By the time I had my cup of tea and was sitting on the couch, I felt marginally better, though sitting had hurt my well-spanked ass more than a bit by the end of class. It was odd, when I was around Leo, I didn’t notice any of the pain he’d inflicted on me, but now that I was alone, those sore spots hurt. Part of me felt as though I should be worried about the level of violence Leo exhibited in the bedroom, but I somehow knew he wouldn’t hurt me. And I’d never told him to stop. No, I’d welcomed his violation, blossomed beneath his harsh touch into a phoenix reborn.

Maybe that’s what guys sensed about me today, that I’d been well and truly fucked.

The front door rattled and a moment later, Joy came barreling in, tossing her blazer off to reveal the peach-colored blouse she wore beneath while she simultaneously kicking off her sensible heels. I had just enough time to put my teacup down on the table before she launched herself at me, pinning me beneath her, the smell of her strawberries and peaches body mist surrounding me.

Grinning down at me, she gave an evil cackle. “Now you can’t escape! Tell me everything!”

“Get off of me and I will. Your giant boobs are squishing me.”

“I’ll smother you with them if you don’t give me all the dirty details.”

“Oh, girl, you have no idea how dirty things got.”

While I didn’t give her all the details, what I did share made the smile slowly slip from her cupid’s bow lips. “So now you’re into hardcore BDSM?”

“No, it’s not like that—well, in some ways it is, but Leo isn’t about being my Master…” I licked my lips, hesitating before whispering, “He likes for me to call him Daddy.”

“What?” Joy gaped at me, her mint green eyes wide. “Hannah, that’s disgusting!”

“No! Not like that.” I smacked her arm. “Not like weirdo pedophile incest stuff. More like…this is so hard to put into words…he takes care of me. Makes me feel safe. Tells me how special and beautiful I am. And when I say he takes care of me, I mean he takes care of me, in all ways. I’ve never felt so…cherished by someone before. I know I’ve said this before, but I feel like we were meant to be together, like we complement each other really well.”

“When are you seeing him next?”

“In an hour.”

“An hour. So you spent the entire weekend with the guy, haven’t been home long enough to even make a sandwich, and then you’re taking off with him again?”

“When you say it that way, it sounds bad. Am I being a clinger? You promised you would tell me if I am.”

“Did he ask you out or did you ask him out?”

“He asked me.”

“And have you two done anything other than have sex? Go out in public at all? Meet any of his friends?”