“Hannah?” Kayla blinked once, twice, then cocked her head to the side like a confused dog.

“Holy shit,” Joy squeaked before setting her bowl on the counter and coming to look at me. “What the hell is this?”

“This,” I couldn’t help but grin, proud to be the one showing off for once, “is Leo’s version of ‘something to wear when you’re on my bike’.”

Kayla suddenly appeared in my line of sight, her gaze locked on my ears. “Are those real?”

I self-consciously touched my ears, where a pair of lovely diamond and gold-filigree hoop earrings sparkled. “Um—yeah.”

An ugly frown distorted Kayla’s normally pretty face. “He gave you diamonds? This guy fucks you for a few days and gives you diamonds?”

Joy turned on Kayla, pissed, but I spoke first as anger sparked through me. “He sure did. He not only gave me diamonds, he also gave me a designer wardrobe, more jewelry—oh, and his super-thick cock. And let me tell you, he is absolutely amazing in bed. Fucks me like a grown man who knows what he wants, and he eats pussy like a starving person. Anything else you want to know?”

For a long, long moment, both Kayla and Joy stared at me before Joy lost it, laughing so hard she was cackling as she held on to the counter. “Ohhhh, burn.”

“Fuck you,” Kayla hissed at Joy then flounced off to her room, her black bob bouncing with her pissed-off gait.

Still snorting with laughter, Joy waved her hand in the direction Kayla had stomped off. “Ignore her. Stupid bitch just got home from partying with some rough, and I do mean rough-looking guys. I don’t know what’s up with her, but her taste in men has gone right down the shitter.”

Loud music poured from Kayla’s room, like a teenager throwing a tantrum, and Joy and I exchanged a look then sighed.

Glancing at the mess Kayla made, I shook my head. “I really am not cleaning that up.”

Her light green eyes slowly examined me from head to toe, then back up again. “So, you finally got some dick?”

Laughing, I gave her a one-armed hug. “Yes. Now, let me get changed and I’ll give you the scoop before I go to class.”

“Wait, you have to tell me something!”

Trying to distract her, I switched to a topic I know always riled her up. “Don’t you have some delinquent to go tutor for your internship?”

Sure enough, the tips of her ears turned red with anger. “They’re not delinquents, they’re high school kids. Well, some of them are delinquents, but that’s beside the point. It’s great experience for me and I feel like I’m really making a difference. It’s sure as hell more satisfying than tutoring spoiled rotten little shits here at ASU. I swear, if I get one more trust-fund baby failing out of basic math because no one has ever made them accountable for themselves, I’m going to flip out. Drives me up a damn wall.”

She followed me to my room, both of us ignoring Kayla’s door when we passed it. After slamming my door shut, Joy flopped onto my messy bed. One of the trashy gossip magazines I liked to read slid off the bed, falling open to a picture of a shirtless football player with a really tight bubble butt selling deodorant. The guy in the ad had an ass almost as good as Leo’s.

Damn, I never did get to play with it as much as I wanted. I’d just gotten to the good part when my time was up. He was right, if he gave me the gift of being in control again, I wouldn’t waste it, because Leo took charge in a way that left me no room for thoughts, only actions.

“Earth to Hannah, I asked you a question.”

Realizing I was staring at the magazine on the floor instead of opening the full backpack to see what kind of goodies Leo had put in there for me like an eager little kid on Christmas morning, I smiled. “Sorry. I’m still processing the last few days.”

“You mean thinking about fucking him. Tell me! I want details about how you got that dreamy look in your eyes.”

I glanced at the time, then startled, panic filling me. “Shit! I’m going to be late. Can you unpack that for me while I shower, please?”

After I washed up in record time, I peeked out the door to make sure my room was empty before I came out. The bruises on my torso and buttocks disturbed even me a little bit, and I knew how much fun I’d had getting them. Joy would freak out.

Luckily the room was empty, my friend probably had to head out to work, but then I saw a long white box and a note from the pad of purple paper I kept next to my bed.