Next to me, Hannah let out a soft sigh and I smiled into the clean, fresh-smelling white sheet covering the massage table.

The older and still beautiful Hispanic woman working on my back hit a knot of muscles and I had to force myself to try to relax, to shut my mind down. Typically, I was thinking of at least three things at once, my brain always busy. The only time my overactive mind gave me a break and went quiet was when I was focused on Hannah. While I might be conditioning her body and mind to accept only me as a lover, my body and mind were already hers.

The workers at the country club, familiar with me, had openly stared as I laughed and smiled at Hannah while giving her a tour of the place. I must be more of a scary bastard than I thought, because a few looked worried for Hannah’s safety as she strolled with me, holding my hand with complete trust. Not that I could blame them; the image we’d presented in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors lining the foyer of the place had been an interesting one. She was so beautiful and ethereal, like a fairy princess, while I hovered over her like an overprotective beast.

I hadn’t anticipated how tense being out in public with Hannah would make me, but even here, in a business owned and protected by my cartel, I kept scanning the area for an attack. It was only due to the fact that I had known Esmerelda and Florence for years that I even allowed them to touch my girl. That, and Hannah’s blissful sighs, which echoed in the vaulted ceiling of the room like erotic music.

She was facing me, with her midnight-black hair pulled back into a braid that trailed off the side of the white leather table like a thick rope. Her full lips were curved up at the ends and her fingers were limp in mine, only the occasional slow stroke of her thumb over my hand giving me any indication she was even awake. I let my gaze take in the elegant slope of her shoulders, the smooth flow of her skin. Unlike me, she wasn’t covered in scars—but she was covered in bruises that sent a tingle down my spine and into my balls.

Lying on her stomach, Hannah was completely nude and coated in an almond-scented oil that made her pale skin glow and highlighted my marks on her. Deep purple circles from my teeth scattered all over her shoulders and back, while her buttocks still had a pink tinge to them and her hips were lightly bruised from my grip, my fingerprints plainly obvious. I know I should feel regret for those no doubt sore spots, but instead I only had a sense of pride.

And if my programming had worked, Hannah would derive pleasure from each bruise that I touched.

As Florence smoothed her hands over Hannah’s buttocks, my girl’s hips gave a little twitch, the slightest catch in her breathing and the way her nostrils flared all alerting me to her reaction.

Her big cinnamon-brown eyes were on me now, the pupils wide as she gave me clear “fuck me” signals. I wondered if it was me or the drugs and hypnosis she was responding to, then decided I didn’t care as long as she was responding. I watched with avid interest as she looked right at me then bit her lip in a coy little maneuver that made it uncomfortable to lie on my stomach due to my hard-on.

In Spanish, I ordered Florence to massage Hannah’s butt a little harder and she did without complaint, knowing better than to challenge me on anything.

A soft, low groan escaped Hannah and she flushed, closing her eyes with a whimper. When she opened them again, she smiled when she found me watching her. “You have no idea how good this feels. Thank you, Leo.”

I ignored the way both Florence and Esmerelda froze when Hannah said my name, and smiled at my girl. “You’re welcome, baby girl. I figured it was the least I could do, considering I’m responsible for your current…tender state.”

Blushing again, Hannah smirked. “This is true.”

Her eyes grew heavy lidded as she slowly perused my equally nude body then licked her lips. “What are we doing after this?”

“I’m having you for lunch.”

She giggled, then whispered, “I’m starving. When can we eat?”

Loving the ravenous gleam in her eyes, I shifted my hips on the table, my erection now actively pissed off at being pressed up against the unyielding table instead of Hanna’s giving body. “Ladies, we’re done for now. Thank you.”

Both older women made a quick exit, no doubt running off to gossip about my obvious shows of affection with Hannah. There were rumors that I was a sexual deviant incapable of having a relationship, that I was incapable of love, and as fucked-up as it was, some women were all the more attracted to me because of my emotional detachment. Usually I could avoid women who wanted more than sex, but every once in a while, one of my partners would think she’d be the one to change me. That I’d take one dip in her magic pussy and fall in love. Stupid bitches. There was only one woman for me, and it would always be my Hannah.