He shuddered, something I could clearly feel as we were pressed so tightly together. After my third orgasm, we flipped, and now I was on my back, looking up at the man staring down at me with something that resembled reverence. He never looked away, always studying me, always watching my every breath as if I was absolutely fascinating. It made me feel powerful, feminine, and desired.

Overwhelmed, I drew his lips down to mine and exchanged the softest of kisses, which in turn triggered his climax.

Raw, powerful, menacing, the lines of his face deepened as he reared back and his mouth fell open with a low groan.

I stared, fascinated by every twitch of his muscles, the scars along his body that told a tale of violence, along with his glorious hair. Unable to help myself, I leaned up and plunged my hands into his long strands, fisting it while he growled. Inside of me, his cock twitched hard enough that it sent more waves of pleasure through me, causing my core to contract, and he gasped. I swear, in that moment, I felt like we were connected on some visceral, cosmic level. My breath came out in sobbing gasps as the pleasure went on and on.

“That’s it, baby, drain me fucking dry. Pull harder.”

I did as he asked, my pussy quivering when he shot yet another burst of hot cum inside of me, bathing me and triggering a slow, rolling orgasm that milked him further and had me incoherent, once again babbling out how much I worshiped him.

By the time I returned to earth from my trip to nirvana, Leo had managed to roll off of me, his arms thrown over his head in a relaxed pose, a small and soft smile curving his firm lips as his chest heaved.

When our eyes met, I couldn’t help but smile, then giggle. “Wow.”

He just turned his head back to the ceiling, closing his eyes with a smile. “You’re going to kill me, but what a way to go. Is my dick intact? I’m pretty sure I blew it off inside of you when your tight little cunt gripped me like a squeezing fist.”

Laughing, I stroked my hand down his sweaty stomach, the fur of his happy trail leading me to his still semi-hard cock. “Did you take Viagra or something?”

Grinning, and keeping his eyes closed, he stretched out, all rolling muscles and mouthwatering strength, utter contentment radiating from him. “You are my Viagra.”

“Thanks…I think.”

“You’re welcome. While I don’t give a fuck about falling asleep right now, all sweaty and sticky, I know you like to go to bed clean. Let’s shower, then I’ll feed you, eat you, and put you to bed.”

Groaning, I rubbed my face. “Yes please, I’m exhausted.”

“Come on, baby girl, let your Daddy take care of you.”

He turned his head to look at me and I gave him the only answer I could. “Okay, Daddy.”

The next morning, I awoke to find another set of brand-new clothing for me as well as all the cosmetics and girly stuff I needed for the day. This time the outfit he chose for me was a silky red shirt that hung artfully off of one shoulder, and a pair of skin-tight, dark jeans that had enough stretch to fit comfortably like yoga pants. He’d also included a pair of tasteful gold hoop earrings and a gold necklace made of a waterfall of tiny gold circles linked together, along with a pair of cute black ankle boots.

The whole outfit was somehow familiar, and as I stared at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but admire how the jeans gave my butt a nice rounded shape. Without a doubt, I felt expensive, and though I’m sure there are those who would argue I don’t need costly clothes to feel good about myself, it certainly didn’t hurt. I left my hair loose and smiled as I tossed my shiny locks over my shoulder, not a tangle to be found, thanks to Leo’s fascination with running his hands through it. Just the memory made my eyelids grow heavy, and a hot flush burned my cheeks.

I found Leo in the kitchen, eating a pile of pancakes while he stared down at his tablet, a cup of what I’m assuming was coffee throwing steam in the early morning light. He was dressed casually in khaki shorts and a worn-looking pale blue t-shirt that brought out his tan, along with his gold watch circling his thick wrist. This morning his hair was down, and I really wanted to grasp a handful of his wavy gold and brown mane.

He looked up as I approached, his dark eyes flashing with warmth as he smiled. “Good morning, beautiful.”

Butterflies took flight in my belly, spreading out to all my limbs in a dance of happiness. Feeling as if I was floating on a cloud, I basked in his attention and open affection. I ducked my head then gave him a small wave, probably flushed pink with pleasure from chest to ears.