Arching a brow, Ramón almost smiled again. “Really? I thought she’d be a lights-off, missionary girl. You gotta admit, she lives a very…safe life. Not the kind of woman to seek out excitement or be comfortable with a Daddy.”

While I’d been watching Hannah, I’d requested that everyone else back off and leave her alone. Judith wanted men watching her, claiming she would be safer with more protection, and I’d compromised by having Judith’s men watch Hannah from an apartment across the street from hers. That was close enough to keep her safe, but not close enough to invade her privacy. Yeah, I was a stalker, but that didn’t mean I wanted anyone else coveting the treasure that was my baby girl.

“Once again, this just proves you don’t know shit about women. Hannah had a fascination with Dominance and submission long before I came into the picture. Her porn of choice is usually rough, and she enjoys being taken care of…probably why she gets along so well with Joy.”

At the mention of Hannah’s busty blonde roommate, Ramón’s gaze flared, but he didn’t say anything.

“The hypnosis I did on her never would have worked if the desire wasn’t already there. I can’t make her be something she’s not, but I can program her body to respond positively to Daddy play, and other things. So don’t expect to just grab a random woman off the street and tell her you’re going to be her Master and she’s going to be your sub.”

Ramón merely raised a brow and regarded me with a blank look, like I didn’t know all about his taste for bratty submissives. “My dad wants to have Hannah over for dinner next weekend.”

Shit, I knew this was coming. They all had so much riding on my success, but I needed more time to get her used to me, to the idea of us, before I sprang the Cordova cartel on her. “She’s not ready.”

“Is it working? Your plan? Is it making her fall in love with you?”

The leather chair beneath me creaked as I leaned back in it and held my bored expression firmly in place, when I really wanted to throttle him for making me repeat what I’ve told him over and over again. “For the last time, neither D128 nor the truth serum cannot be used to make someone love you. It can only addict her body to mine and allow her to push past the boundaries of what society thinks is right and wrong. Any affection, any love she feels for me, has to be earned.”

“I know that,” he smirked. “I just like to get you riled up.”

Staring at him, I wondered how upset Hannah would be if I came back to her with bloody knuckles. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

Ramón grimaced and looked down at his nails. “No. Since I’ve given up pussy until the perfect pussy comes along, I’ve found I have a lot of free time on my hands. It’s given me a chance to reevaluate things…and one of the problems I have with my mother’s brilliant idea to ensure loyalty is that it could take away a woman’s free will. I absolutely do not want that. Am I clear?”

“If—if—this works, it may not work with every woman. Hannah happens to be one of those people that’s very susceptible to suggestion, others are more resistant. And you won’t be able to claim the woman you choose, not until you’ve done enough reconnaissance on her to know, truly know, her likes and dislikes, who she is as a person, what she needs to be happy. If I don’t style the suggestions exactly right, her brain will reject them, no matter how many drugs we pump into her.”

Giving me a frown, Ramón adjusted himself. “Fuck, I think my dick’ll fall off by then.”

I couldn’t help rubbing Hannah in his face, remembering all the times he teased me for my obsession with her, for giving up any woman until I could have Hannah coming beneath me.

“It will be worth it in the end—and you’ll know you have the right woman if you’re not being led by your dick.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Look, just come to dinner in a few weeks. I promise I’ll make sure Hannah has fun, and everyone will behave. They’re genuinely curious about her, not just because of what she represents for the future of the cartel, but because they want to get to know the woman that won your heart. In their own fucked-up way, my parents want to see you happy.”

A heavy sigh escaped me as I gave in to the inevitable. “Can you promise me Judith will behave?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, he gave me a wry grin. “Miracles can happen.”

I sighed again and stretched my arms high above my head as my upper back cracked. “Next week is still too soon. Tell your father I’ll see him in two, maybe three weeks. Give him the excuse that Hannah has finals and I want to wait until they’re over before I start to show her our world. She’s worked hard at school, and I’m not going to fuck that up for her.”