I grasped her slender hand and hauled her out, surprised when she laced her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. Every damn time she willingly touched me, I felt like I scored a major victory in battle and I reveled in both my satisfaction and her little moans of arousal. The way she sucked my tongue into her mouth had my cock pressing against my pants hard enough that I had to readjust myself before my dick bent in half.

Grasping her hand, I rubbed it over the bulge, trying to soothe the ache. “Feel what you do to me?”

“Mmmm, sure we don’t have time for a quickie?”

“Perfect,” I whispered against her mouth, tempted beyond reason. “I won’t be long, I promise.”

“Fine.” She pouted, then smacked my hand away with a laugh as I grabbed her ass. “Go so you can come back.”

A playful impulse, something I almost never had, made me pick her up and toss her gently back into the beanbag just to hear her laughter. After not giving a shit about anyone but myself for so long, it felt odd to care so much about another human being. But she was exceptional in every way.

Already regretting my decision to talk with Ramón, I strode through my house then into my dimly lit tan and burgundy office before slamming the heavy door behind me. “What’s going on?”

“I thought you might be interested to know that my mother had the dose of D128 Hannah’s getting upped.”

I froze, only my deeply ingrained loyalty to the cartel keeping me from hunting Judith down and wringing her neck.

She’d argued that I wasn’t giving Hannah enough, that I needed more in order for her to be in the right headspace, but a stronger dose meant danger for Hannah. The more D128 that was in a woman’s system, the more they smelled like they were fertile to men, even if they were on birth control to prevent ovulation, like the shot Hannah was on. It was an odd side effect, but in test after test, we’d found these women instantly became more desirable to the straight males around them. Gay women didn’t seem to pick up on it as much, but for men, it triggered the need to find that fertile female and breed her.

Maybe Judith hadn’t upped the dose by a lot. Maybe she’d used restraint. Maybe she’d pick the innocence of a young girl, a stranger, over her children’s future happiness.

Yeah, right.

“How bad is it? When could you smell her?”

“We were a room or two away.” He frowned. “She’s an adorable little thing, but not my type. You know I like my women extra curvy, and Hannah has the body of a ballerina. That said, up close, after you finished making her speak in tongues, the smell of her pussy still made me want her. Bad…like enough to consider whether I could lure her away from you. Just like my mother wanted, and I protested against. I told her to back off and let you do your work, but you know she’s going to try to meddle. Not just because of the experiment, but because she honestly thinks Hannah would be a good mother—which in Judith’s mind, means a good addition to the family. I’ll hold her off as long as I can, see if she’ll allow me to observe Hannah for now, and buy you some time before she starts pushing for results.”

Our jaws tightened in unison and it took a great deal of restraint to keep from trashing my office. Hannah might want to see it, and I’d rather not explain why the bookcases were torn from the walls. I don’t think she’d buy the excuse of a localized earthquake.

“Someday, Ramón, she’s going to go too far and someone is going to kill her.”

“I told her that ten years ago, and yet here she still lives and breathes, energetic enough to still fuck with our lives.”

“Do you think I can remove the implant without messing Hannah up?”

Steepling his fingers, he stared off into the distance while shaking his head. “No, no—you need to leave it. Mom’s already proven how far she’ll go to make sure this experiment is a success. You’d be better off working with her, rather than against her. That doesn’t mean I won’t tell her that her move was complete bullshit, but I wouldn’t mess with it. The dose won’t harm Hannah, but it does make her smell good enough that she’ll be fending off more attention than usual.”

“Which means I’ll be killing stupid-ass college boys when she goes to class.”

A ghost of a smile hovered over Ramón’s lips. “There is that. How is it going?”

He tried to keep the desperation out of his voice, but I heard it. “It’s too soon to tell, but I will say this—she is completely into my particular brand of sex.”