“Come on, you can hang out in the media room while I do business.”

“Media room? Fancy schmancy.”

I could see Ramón watching us with fascination as she teased me. Normally I treated the women I fucked like toys, because that is what they were and that was their kink. It was a mutually beneficial relationship in which we both got off without having to deal with any bullshit. The women I kept were certainly never allowed to speak to me like an equal, and always called me Mr. Brass, but Hannah could not only say my first name, hell, she could call me anything she wanted. Every time she breathed out “Daddy” in her husky-sweet whisper, she wrapped me tighter around her little finger.

My hand drifted down to the small implant in her hip that had begun to slowly distribute a low dose of D128 into her bloodstream, keeping her arousal simmering close to the surface. Not enough to have her trying to mount every man within reach, but enough to draw her out past the painful rules of her personal demons. I’ve found that once a woman reaches a certain level of arousal, once I get her in the right headspace, the world disappears and I’m the center of her entire universe. Except with Hannah, she was the center of mine.

Stepping closer to her, I noted the way her hard nipples pressed against the fabric of her dress, rounded like gumdrops. They would be tender and soft at first beneath my lips, but after a few nips and tugs, they’d crinkle nicely and jut upwards. Long nipples like hers would look lovely in a pair of nice, tight clamps.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she masturbated while I was gone. She’d eventually be weaned down to a lower dose of D128, then off all the way once her mind was fully conditioned to crave me. In theory, her body would desire only me after a few days, but I wanted all the time I could to seduce her into loving me. I was going to spend a lifetime fucking this woman, planting my seed in her, and watching her raise our children with the kindness and tenderness I worry that I’m incapable of. In choosing Hannah as my wife, I was guaranteeing my future offspring a childhood as good as mine was, but with enough money to be able to give my family the best of everything.

But first I had to deal with Ramón’s bullshit.

Grasping her small hand in my own, I led her away from the men watching her with open interest and deeper into what would soon be our home. Like the sun room, the media room was big and built exactly to Hannah’s taste. I’d scoured her social media for postings about things she liked, and had given them to my interior designer, who translated Hannah’s contemporary, yet comfortable, dreams into reality. It was amazing what you could learn about someone now just from looking at the information they willingly shared with the world. The insights had allowed me to build her fantasy home, a glittering trap designed to make her want to live here, to stay with me. I wanted to enmesh her in my life so tightly she couldn’t escape, wouldn’t want to.

I would never give her up, and the fact that I had potentially brainwashed her into being loyal to me didn’t bother me in the least.

She gave a squeal of delight then pointed at an enormous black suede beanbag that was as big as a sofa. “Oh my God! I’ve wanted one of those forever.”

Laughing, she tore herself from my side and ran across the room, kicking off her shoes before launching herself into the beanbag, her giggles sparking over my skin as she snuggled into the plush, dark surface.

“You approve?”

She squirmed around, giving me a glimpse of her pink pussy, which made my cock ache to slip between her still wet folds. I was addicted to her cunt, couldn’t wait to sink my tongue into it again as she fed me her orgasms. Or slide into that tight heat and just stay there, biting her nipples and tickling her so her sex would clench and release around my dick. I’d show her how I could make her climax without moving my cock at all, just bring her to a pulsing orgasm over and over again until she wrung the come out of me.

“I totally approve.”

Grabbing the remote from the table, I turned on the wall-sized television, smiling as she gasped.


“Watch whatever you want. There’s a refrigerator beneath the counter, help yourself to anything you find; my maid stocks it so I have no idea what’s in there. I won’t be long.”

“Wait!” She struggled to get out of the chair that seemed to have her sucked her in. “Help me.”