“All the more reason to stay the weekend with me. We’ll get to spend time together, just us. For all I know, you could be annoying as shit, one of those girls who won’t eat any bread and considers bacon a caloric sin. Or the kind of woman has more shoes than brain cells. Quick, which can you name faster, five presidents or five up-and-coming New York designers?”

Laughing, I pushed lightly at his chest. “Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and James Monroe.”

The lines around his mouth creased and his eyes sparkled with laughter. “In chronological order, nice.”

“Well, I did think about teaching junior high American History at one point, but then I did some student teaching at a middle school with my roommate, Joy, and we decided there is no way in hell either of us could deal with all those kids going through puberty at once. It was terrible. The girls were bitchy and the boys were trying to hump against anything that stood still long enough to grind on.”

He burst out into laughter then pulled me into his arms, nuzzling his face against me, his slight scruff abrading the sensitive skin of my neck. “Stay with me.”

The demanding growl of his voice sent my hormones into a tailspin, but I managed to keep my mind out of my pants, and his, for a minute. “Okay, but I’m not committing to the whole weekend. We’ll do this one day at a time. And I do need to run home and get my stuff.”

“No,” he said quickly then looped a possessive arm around my waist and pulled me close.


“I have supplies on the way for you. Anything you need, I’ll get for you. Our time together is precious and I don’t want to waste it dealing with trivial shit.”

“Supplies?” I glanced at the green numbers on the clock above the stove. “At eight at night?”

“Trust me,” he purred, then leaned down so he could lick the side of my neck. “All I want to do is take care of you. You may not believe me now, but someday you’ll understand just how much your life is about to change for the better.”

I wanted to have faith in him, very much, but I’d been so foolish with my heart in the past I had a hard time believing this too-good-to-be-true man, in his too-good-to-be-true house, with his amazing dick and filthy mouth, wasn’t some kind of illusion.

No, my entire being was burning with desire, so hyperaware that even my most vivid of dreams could never match this intensity. Everything felt like…more. More colorful, more intense, and unbelievably filled with sensations. I came to life in Leo’s presence, and I wanted to savor this rush for as long as I could.

And I needed another taste of him.

Or should I say, I needed him to take another taste of me.

As I stared at his mouth, my clit began to gently pulse and I leaned forward, unusually bold with my desires. “Are you still mine to command?”

He glanced down at the gold watch on his thick wrist. “For another four hours or so.”

A quiver of excitement tightened my internal muscles and I was shaking with anticipation and nerves as I gave in to my desires and said, “Then I want you down on your knees, eating my pussy, now.”

Chapter 6

The width of his chest and shoulders seemed to swell, to grow wider, to thicken somehow as he loomed over me. His dick had certainly hardened again, the form of it pressing against his dark jeans, making me short of breath with desire. Maybe I should have skipped foreplay and gone right for the main course.

“Anything you want, baby girl.” He licked his lips and everything inside of me buzzed with anticipation. “But at midnight, you’re mine.”

Sucking in a quick breath, I didn’t even have time to steady myself before he sank to the floor before me, still impossibly big and dangerous. He licked down the valley between my breasts, exposed by the dress, his tongue incredibly soft and wet. My nipples were tingling and my body grew slick with want. Unable to resist, I gathered his hair into my hands and gently pulled on it, his soft and light kisses over the swell of my breast relaxing me further. While the wild and rough sex I’d experienced with him was wonderful, there was something to be said for the almost worshipful way he was touching me. Every once in a while, he’d pull back and just look at me like he couldn’t really believe I was here.

I lost sight of him after he winked then threw the skirt of my dress over his head. Reaching back, I braced myself on the black slate countertop and widened my stance at his urging. I didn’t know what to do with myself while he kissed my panty-covered mound, didn’t know where to look or how to focus on anything other than Leo. He was a hurricane and I was the sparrow in the storm, singing my heart out but totally eclipsed by his roaring presence. Yet his hands were incredibly tender as they peeled my panties down, and the delicate swipe of his tongue parting my slit had me offering myself to him.