Mmmmm, this was nice.

Then someone smacked my ass, hard, and said, “Breathe.”

I sucked in a gasping breath of air, then another. Opening my eyes wasn’t going to happen, but at least I’d surfaced enough from the blissful darkness to keep myself alive. After a few shuddery breaths, I managed to calm myself enough to stop panting.

Leo pulled me into his arms, curving himself around me, pressing my slight body to his muscled bulk. We must look like a grizzly hugging a ragdoll; I was certainly as limp as one. Floppy. The thought roused a sleepy giggle from me.

“Are you okay, baby girl?”

“Very.” I snuggled into him, completely relaxed.

“You did so good, I’m proud of you. I thought I knew what it would be like to have you, but I had no idea. You make me feel more…I don’t have the words for it, you just make me feel more than I’ve ever experienced with a woman.” He kissed my sweaty temple. “Never letting you go. You’re mine now, all of you, every bit—mine.”

I drifted off to sleep in Leo’s arms, and did it with a smile.

“Hannah,” a man’s voice said in a low rumble. “You need to wake up and eat, sweetheart.”

I reached out and grabbed a pillow, pulling it over my face as I turned away. “No, sleeping.”

Muffled laughter came through the pillow, then someone ran their hand over my ass—my bare ass—before giving it a good slap.

Whipping the pillow off my head, I sat straight up and snarled, “What the fuck?”

Leo, casually dressed and crouching next to me, took one look at me and burst out laughing, rocking back on his heels while I glared at him.

I don’t wake up from naps happy.

“What?” I scowled as I rubbed my bleary eyes.

He shook his head, still smiling. “You look well fucked.”

I reached up to touch my hair, wincing when I found it a big rat’s nest. “Oh no.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you straightened out, but you need to eat first.”

My stomach rumbled when he stood and moved enough that I could see he had a tray full of food on the bleached wood table next to the daybed. As soon as I saw what looked like roast beef sandwiches on fresh-made bread, saliva filled my mouth and my stomach roared like a jet engine. I was absolutely starving, and I loved roast beef sandwiches. Reaching out eagerly, I snatched one up then sat back on the bed, pulling a big teal and orange embroidered pillow onto my lap for modesty’s sake with one hand while I crammed the sandwich into my mouth with the other.

My pants had been split all the way from the front to the back and were useless, and when Leo had stripped my shirt and bra earlier, he hadn’t been gentle about it. I did indeed look well fucked, and I felt like I’d been rode hard and put away wet. My arm was starting to hurt again and I gave it a quick look, relieved to see the bandage had stayed in place during all our romping.

Wolfing down a big bite of the sandwich, savoring the spice of the horseradish, I narrowed my eyes at what looked like the setting sun outside the big windows then mumbled, “What time is it?”

“A little after seven.”

“What?” I almost choked on my food and Leo quickly handed me a big glass of iced water with a straw. After gulping down a few swallows, I managed to say, “I have to go. I have to work…shit, I missed class. Fuck—fuck fuck fuck! I know it’s a summer class and the professor is slack, but I never miss class. I can’t afford to have my grades slip at all.”

“Relax. I already called your work and spoke with Beth, letting her know you’d be out for the next week and that you had a doctor’s note, which I had Dr. Gardener fax to her. I also contacted your roommate Joy, who said she’d let your professor know what happened, and emailed her a copy of the doctor’s note to forward if needed. As soon as you’re done, she wants you to text her so she knows you’re all right.”

I gaped at him. “You did what? Wait…how did you know Joy’s number?”

A smile twitched his lips, but something dark and watchful moved through his eyes. “You really don’t remember me at all? Not even a little bit?”

I stared at him, trying to find some point in my memory where I would have met him. “Uh—no.”

“Two weeks ago I drove you home from Obsession after you had a bit too much to drink.”

Blinking at him, I tried to comprehend what he was saying. “You’re the hot guy who brought me home?”

“The hot guy?”

Not wanting to tell him how Joy had been going on and on about his fuckability, while Kayla said he looked like a Neanderthal, I shook my head. “I can’t believe I don’t remember you.”