“He did what?”

“I’ll talk with you when I get home.”

Something in my voice must have alerted Joy, because her tone changed as she asked, “Is he hot?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Is he standing right there?”


“Do you want to lick his balls?”

“You suck.”

She giggled, and I had a hard time keeping my blush under control. “Uh-uh, I bet you’re the one who’ll be doing the sucking. Tongue all up in his—”

“Anyways,” I said loudly, “I’ll be home in a bit.”

“I’ll make some cookies and hang out and wait for you.”

“You don’t have to. I know you have a study group this afternoon.”

“No way. I was worried sick. I’m just glad you’re okay and that you’re having an adventure. You need an adventure, bad. Just be safe. I’d have to go on a path of vengeance if anything happened to you, and that means I’d have to start jogging or some shit.”

Knowing Joy used humor as a defense, I softened my voice and tried to make my friend feel better. “I’m sorry, honey.”

“Love you, cupcake.”

“Love you too, pookie bookie wookie.”

“Oh, and if you don’t want to come home and want to boink his brains out instead, feel free.”


Laughing, I hung up the phone, only to find Leo watching me with a dark look that set me on edge—and aroused me. “Who was that?”

“Uh—Joy, my roommate.”

“Do you love her?”

“Of course, she’s been one of my best friends since high school.”

The stiff line of his body, the anger that I glimpsed in his eyes, all melted away. “I see.”

Grabbing my jacket, I stuffed my phone in the pocket. “I’m ready when you are.”

A bright, beaming sun pouring through the floor-to-ceiling windows pierced my eyeballs with its rays as we stepped out of the elevator and into the foyer, people bustling about as the room echoed with various conversations. Everyone was dressed for business and I stuck out like a sore thumb, especially with the bright white bandage on my arm. Leo had his bandaged hand on my lower back and the heat of his palm pressing against me was distracting to say the least. Unknown feelings zipped along my nerves, and I wanted to reach out and grab a handful of his bubble butt. Really, having an ass that good must be illegal.

Realizing I was looking over my shoulder to stare at his butt in a totally obvious move, I turned and forced my guilty gaze straight ahead, hoping Leo didn’t notice. If he did, he didn’t say anything, instead escorting me to the curb in silence. I swore I could feel him next to me, electricity connecting our bodies with invisible waves so it felt like I was pressed to his side instead of walking by him.

Mark, the driver, was waiting for us and I could feel the eyes of curious people walking past, staring. They were probably wondering why a man like Leo was slumming around with a dork like me. My usual negative thoughts didn’t have time to take root, my entire being distracted by the heat of Leo’s body as he slid in next to me. I studied him in the full sunlight, taking in the deep shadows that his heavy bone structure gave his face, the crinkles around his eyes and his firm lips. While he’d never grace the cover of a magazine or star in a movie based on his looks alone—he wasn’t pretty by any means—I found him to be the most delicious thing I’d ever laid eyes on.

The soundproofing inside the car was excellent, so I was able to hear the way his breath hitched when he looked over at me.

“Come home with me,” he all but demanded, his tone confident and incredibly sexy.


“Come home with me. Call your roommate and tell her you’re spending the day with me.”


“Because I want you to.”

I started to laugh, but the intense expression on his face made me hesitate. “Seriously?”



He leaned back in his seat, studying me before his deep voice filled the car again. “Are you attracted to me, Hannah?”

Blushing hot enough to fry an egg on my face, I looked away. Did I tell him yes then feel like a moron when he says he’s just trying to be friends with me and wants me over to play Scrabble? Did I tell him no and not only lie to him, but also possibly offend him? Or worse yet, hurt his feelings?

“Tell me.”

The snap in his voice had me blurting out, “Yes.”

“I find you very attractive as well.” The corner of his mouth curled up in a smile and the emptiness in his eyes filled with warmth. “I also find you kind, smart, and funny. I’d like to get to know you better. Come home with me, spend time with me. You must be hungry, let me feed you.”

I was hungry all right, hungry for his dick, and the mental image of him feeding it to me had my pussy squeezing tight with longing. My mind couldn’t seem to stop thinking about what it would be like to touch him, to taste him. I’d like to get to know him by ripping off his clothes and fucking him in the backseat of his car. With each beat of my heart, heat rushed between my legs and I squeezed my thighs together.