“Just Leo, Hannah, and I assure you, I’m fine. In fact, I’m more worried about your arm. You should see a doctor.”

Beth approached and spoke up with a nervous flutter of her hand in my direction, “I agree, Hannah. Take the rest of the night off and go to the ER. I’ve burned myself before and it’s no picnic.”

Thinking of all the corners I’d have to cut in my budget to afford a trip to the hospital, I pasted on a smile and tried to pretend the nerves in my forearm weren’t screaming from pain. “Really, I’m okay. I’ll just go home and ice it.”

Leo spoke up from behind me. “I’ll take her.”

Turning back to face him, I had to tilt my head up to meet his determined stare. “No thank you, I’m fine.”

“That arm isn’t fine.”

“Neither is your hand.”

He seemed bemused when I gave him my meanest glare, the one that I used while babysitting.

Beth clucked from beside me. “Really, Hannah, you need to get this looked at.”

Lowering my voice until it was barely a breath, I leaned down so I could whisper in her ear, “I can’t afford the co-pay.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Leo said from too close behind me.

Once again, I glared at him for getting up in my personal space, but it was like trying to intimidate a statue. “Thank you, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’m the one who injured you, I can’t possibly let you pay for my medical care.”

“Stubborn little thing with a strong moral compass,” he murmured, and that icy look in his eyes softened.


“Hannah,” oh, I liked the way he said my name, way too much, “I promise you, nothing will happen to you while you’re with me.”

I licked my lips, wincing as the skin of my arm felt like it was still burning, and internally cursed. “Thank you, but no.”

“Actually, Hannah,” Beth said with a hesitant smile. “The diner will pay for your medical care, and Mr…uh, Leo’s as well.”

“See, no reason not to let me take care of you.”

“Uh—hello? Stranger danger?”

With a smirk, he pulled out his wallet and I couldn’t help but wince at the sight of his hand, the skin an unnaturally bright pink color. “Here, Beth, this is my business card. If anything happens to Hannah, you can take it to the police.”

While Beth read the card, I asked in a low voice, “Does your hand hurt?”

“Yes, but I’ve endured worse.” A low sigh escaped his deep chest and the look he gave me was more than tinged with exasperation. “Hannah, stop martyring yourself and let me help you.”

Before I could make any sense of that odd, but I was pretty sure offensive, statement, Beth gave me a nudge in the lower back. “Go ahead, Hannah, grab your stuff. I’m sure Mr. Brass will take care of you.”

At the odd, tight tone in her voice, I turned to look at her and was confused by the way she was watching Leo with wide, almost fearful eyes. “Are you sure?”

She blinked a couple times, then glanced at me. “Yes. You need your arm looked at.”

“Fine, take me to a doctor,” I huffed then jerked my head at Leo. “Come on.”

The left side of his mouth quirked and I almost got a smile, but I turned away before I could be sure. Being outside of the bathroom helped me get my bearings and I quickly made my way to the back of the restaurant, enduring a few moments of my coworkers all coming to see if I was okay before I could shuck my apron then grab my purse and lilac fake leather jacket. It was down in the sixties tonight and I automatically went to put it on, only remembering too late that my arm was injured.

I bit my tongue to keep from screaming as I eased the jacket off, sure I was going to be taking a layer of skin with it as I whimpered in discomfort.

Male cursing came from my left and I blinked through my tears to find Leo at my side, his irritation moving through the air in skin-prickling waves. “I see I can’t leave you alone for one moment.”

I held my arm out, biting my trembling lower lip before I asked, “How bad is it? Did I lose much skin? Will I need plastic surgery?”

He surprised me by laughing softly, then placing a gentle kiss on the unharmed skin of my inner wrist. “No, I think you’ll be okay.”

I peeked and was almost disappointed to find my skin an angry pink color when it felt like it should be covered in blisters, and I lamely said, “It really, really hurts.”

“Be brave for me, just a little longer, and I’ll take care of you.”

The deep rumble of his gentle tone made my belly flutter more than a little bit. “Okay.”