I’ve trained with the best in the world on using hypnosis during interrogation, and I’ve experimented extensively with mind control during interrogation sessions, but I’ve never used the knowledge I gained to fuck around with the mind of an innocent before.

If I was a better man, I would have felt guilty about what I was about to do, but the only emotions rolling through me were anticipation and satisfaction.

This would work, I knew it would, and it would give the Cordova brothers some desperately needed hope. Since Nina’s betrayal, none of them had taken a woman for anything other than fucking, and they always had their bodyguards with them, even in the bedroom. Their trust in any female outside of their family had dwindled to zero, and I know it hurt Judith to see her boys so emotionally cut off. It hurt the cartel as well; the brothers’ ruthless behavior was bordering on psychopathic and causing problems. They needed the anchor of a good woman to hold them to their sanity, to give them something to live for. They needed the bright light of a girl adoring them, and they needed to be able to trust that her smile didn’t hide a pair of poisonous fangs.

But beyond helping the Cordovas, if my experiment with Hannah worked, I would have my baby girl, the greatest prize in the world, and no one could take her from me.

Not even my fucked-up self.

“Hannah,” I said softly, loving the ethereal, breathy feel of her name on my tongue. “Can you hear me?”

Her eyes opened the slightest bit, the pupils huge from the drugs coursing through her system, her mind unguarded. “Hi, Leo.”

“Hi, sweetheart. I’m going to ask you some questions. Do you think you can answer them for me?”


The word was slurred, but I understood her. “I asked you earlier to think about what you wanted from a man. Can you tell me what you thought about?”

She shifted in my lap, the highly specialized truth serum I’d given her earlier in her whisky still coursing through her, encouraging her to be honest in a way she’d never be while fully conscious. “I want someone to love me, really love me. I want someone to think I’m amazing, I want to make them happy, I want them to take care of me and I want to take care of them.”

God she was sweet, pure in a way I’d never encountered. I almost felt bad for what I was going to do to her. “That’s good, tell me more. What do you want your life to be like ten years from now? What would make you happy?”

She licked her full lips and sighed. “I want a family. I want to be a mother, to have a husband who loves me, a nice home, a dog…I want a house filled with kids who are happy and cherished. I want to go to school plays, and complain about driving to their sporting events when secretly I wouldn’t miss one second of them. I want a husband who will help me go crazy decorating the house for Halloween and hold me at Christmas while we watch our children tearing into their presents. We’ll spend the rest of our lives together, loving each other, sharing the joys of growing old together. I want to never be alone again, because loneliness is like cancer, it kills you a little at a time until nothing is left.”

The heart some thought I didn’t have ached even as my cock pressed into the nicely rounded curves of her ass. The sudden image of her pregnant, with my child, sent a visceral shock of yearning through me. Her body would change after she had children, soften with the curves of motherhood, and I already looked forward to licking drops of milk from her swollen breasts. Nothing would be off limits between us; we’d do anything that brought us mutual pleasure. Our life would be good, so good together, but only if I could guarantee her loyalty. If I couldn’t, it didn’t matter how perfect we were together. I’d have to leave the cartel that I considered my family if I wanted to have Hannah as my wife.

Then again, I don’t think Judith would let me leave. I knew too many secrets.

Trying to focus past the worries that plagued me, I stroked her cheek as I asked, “What is it you want out of a relationship? What could your man do for you that would please you and make you happy?”

“I want him to take care of me. To love me. To praise me. I want to be his good girl. I’ll be so good, I promise. If you love me, I’ll be the best.”

It didn’t take my genius-level IQ to figure out Hannah’s childhood had scarred her deeply, but witnessing the evidence of it made me more determined than ever to heal her.