Now it was time to see if all my planning, all my work with the Cordova cartel’s scientists would pay off, and if Judith would have her miracle.

The modified truth serum I’d put into Hannah’s drink should be taking affect by now. A perfect blend of chemicals that would open her mind, relax her, while making her totally honest and open to influence. The serum we’d devised was powerful and could only be used sparingly without harming her, so I would make sure I used this time wisely. Not only did I to ensure she never betray me or our eventual family, I also needed to find out what she really wanted from a man. While I would do everything I could to make sure she wanted me, that she enjoyed submitting to me, I needed to fulfill her desires as well. Even the dark and kinky ones, way down deep, beneath the bullshit of society’s influence trying to tell her what’s right and wrong.

Once I knew her true desires, I was one step closer to owning her.

At our core, human beings are animals, and we all have certain needs that must be met in order to keep us content, one of the strongest being our sex drive. Having hacked into her computer and tracked her reading habits, I knew she tended to favor books with a dominant man, light BDSM, and taboo D/s pairings, which worked out well for me and my particular tastes in the bedroom.

It’s amazing what you can find on the internet these days and how willingly people put their personal information out there. Hannah was no exception, and thanks to her frequent activity on Pinterest, I knew everything from her favorite type of reading chair, to her favorite breakfast, to all the places she wanted to visit in the future. There were also over two dozen boards featuring clothes she liked, and I’d already stocked a closet full of items at our new home. There were also over four hundred photos in her “future living room” folder; Hannah pinned just about anything that caught her eye, so I didn’t think she’d recognize the fact that my new home had been built to her specifications.

In many ways, I feel like I already know her, that she’s confessed her greatest desires to me and let me into her glorious heart.

I wanted that, wanted her to allow me into the private parts of her soul, wanted her to confide in me and share her dreams. She fascinated me with her emotional delicacy, and I was afraid I might break her in my zeal to own every inch of her graceful frame. Like most aspects of my life, I needed to have complete control in the bedroom and, to a somewhat lesser degree, outside of the bedroom as well, something most women didn’t enjoy to the extent that I did. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d find it odd that I wanted to dress her every day, that I got off on seeing her wear clothing and jewelry I provided her with.

I couldn’t take the risk that Hannah wouldn’t be turned on by my preferred sexual lifestyle, so tonight I would mold her mind, awaken desires in her she was unaware she had, give her subconscious permission to be as open and wild with sex as she wanted, without guilt. Through my careful training, Hannah will soon learn that giving me that control will be to her great benefit, that I will take care of her in every way and love doing it. She may be starved for affection, but I hadn’t had anyone to love in over ten years. My need to cosset her was compulsive, and building her dream home had been an act of worship to a woman oblivious of how much her life was about to change.

I wasn’t like the men she usually picked to fixate on, spineless and weak boys who reminded me of her father. He was a pathetic man, still living in thrall of his bitch wife while ignoring his daughter. At some point one of them would get sick, or lonely, and I’d bet my Rolls they would suddenly want to reconnect with Hannah. Fuck that. They didn’t deserve her and I planned to keep them out of her life, and mine. I had such a good future planned for Hannah, one that would give her everything she needed to be happy, and she would reward me with her love while I rewarded her with painful pleasure.

When I hurt her, when I spanked her ass red or tied up her breasts until they were almost purple, I needed her to get off on it. From my studies of Hannah, I suspected she might be a masochist, so my hypnotic suggestion would have a greater chance of taking root. Unlike in the movies, hypnosis can’t reprogram people like robots; the human brain is too complex and messed up for anyone to be able to do that. However, a trained hypnotist can influence the subject, plant little suggestions that the subject’s mind can absorb as its own truth.