“That might be a little crowded for what I have in mind.”

“Yeah. It’s a decent three-bedroom apartment with plenty of space, but I can hear my roommate Joy singing to herself at night.” When he set me on my feet at the curb out front of the club, I didn’t want to let him go, so I babbled on. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s close to school, mostly clean, and cheap—three essential things. There’s no way I could afford to live that close to school on my own, so it’s either share a place or live in a not-so-safe part of town. Gotta save money where you can, you know what I mean?”

A pure white two-seater Jaguar pulled up to the curb, and I tried to keep my jaw from dropping as the valet got out and rushed around to the passenger side to hold the door open.

Staring at the car, I muttered, “No, you probably don’t know what I mean.”

“Actually, I do. I grew up in a rough area of Tucson and we didn’t have a lot of money.”

“You’re from Tucson?”


“Get out of here! So am I.” I couldn’t help but beam at him, tickled at the thought that we both had the same hometown.

“Imagine that.”

With a slight quirk of his lips, Leo helped me into the car, then said something to the valet and came around to the driver’s side. After he slid into the tanned leather seat and shut the door, he leaned over and put my seat belt on me. It was a protective gesture that sent a little ember of warmth burning through me, chasing away my doubts and fears. His woodsy cologne filled the small space and my pussy clenched at the memory of his hands on my nipples.

I really wanted his long fingers there right now.


Snapped out of the naughty thoughts I had about Leo pinching my nipples, I turned to find him considering me intently. “Yes?”

His midnight eyes captured mine and I matched his breath as he said in an authoritative voice, “I want you to think about your sexual fantasies and pick one for us to indulge in tonight. This is your chance to let go, to be free of inhibitions and tell me what you really want. I won’t judge you, and I will give you anything you desire.”

“Wow, that’s kind of forward.”

“No, that’s being honest. Games are for children, Hannah. I don’t have time to pretend to be anything or anyone other than who I am. You give me the gift of being able to be myself around you, and I’ll do the same.”

I could only blink at him as my mind whirled with the implications of his words, but I said nothing. I was at battle with myself, my inner hussy vs. the potential embarrassment of telling this stranger some of my kinkier fantasies, then having him laugh at me. Or even worse, be disgusted by some of my more uncivilized daydreams.

The streetlights briefly illuminated the road as we pulled up to one of the newer apartment buildings, a beautiful structure made of black glass that seemed to absorb the night around it. We parked underground and took an elevator in the garage up to his place. The entire time my mind was strangely disconnected, caught between erotic dreams, and feeling ashamed and embarrassed by the taboo nature of the majority of my steamy fantasies.

It wasn’t until we were in his apartment that the reality, or should I say unreality, of my situation began to kick in.

I was with an incredibly hot stranger, alone, in his luxury apartment that rivaled anything I’d seen on TV.

And he had a huge dick.

Leo may have grown up poor, but that wasn’t the case anymore. This man had money, big money, and I suddenly felt awkward standing in the middle of all this wealth. My entire outfit combined came up to under sixty dollars, and I’d bet one of the navy-blue velvet curtain ties holding back the silver curtains across the room cost more.

The large and bright gray-toned kitchen looked out over a breakfast bar into the vast, sunken living room that faced a wall of windows. The floors were made of pale wood and the furniture was done in shades of cream, green, and blue. A vast painting of a rocky ocean coast hung above a dark stone fireplace and the kitchen boasted what I was sure were top-of-the-line appliances. As far as I could see, the entire place was spotless, neat to the point I was afraid to touch anything.

“You live here?”

Leo, who’d been watching me closely, nodded. “I do.”

“But it’s so…nice.” He appeared offended and I quickly added, “I mean, I don’t know anyone with stuff this nice. I’m afraid to touch anything in case I break it.”

I slapped my hand over my running mouth and Leo smiled, moving closer to me until one of his hands rested on my hip while the other gently drew my hand away from my lips. “Don’t be. With all the money in the world, I could never buy anything as precious as you. You’re priceless. These things? They’re inanimate objects, nothing more than material possessions that are hollow and cold. You…you breathe warmth into my world like sunlight on my soul. That makes you irreplaceable.”