Sure enough, Joy was dancing with a very handsome black guy with a shaved head, all but humping him as they swayed, while Kayla had herself twined around a tall, brown-haired man as he grabbed her ass with both hands.

“See, they’re fine. Let’s get your stuff and go.”

I wanted to leave with him, but the tiny portion of my sensible brain that I had left insisted it was dangerous to leave a bar with a strange man. All the stories I’d ever heard about girls getting killed by some psycho warred with my overwhelming attraction for Leo. If I looked past my carnal fascination, I had to admit there was something different about him, and not necessarily in a good way. He was menacing—I knew it, everyone around me knew it—but I didn’t get a sense that he was any danger to me.

Then again, I thought guys were in love with me who clearly weren’t, so my read on things might not be the most reliable. I wished Joy wasn’t busy grinding on that guy so she could tell me how to handle this situation. We were off the dance floor and had grabbed my purse by this point, and were approaching the stairs when I tried to stop again, teetering on my heels before Leo caught me.

“I can’t just leave with you. It’s not safe.”

His dark eyes glittered in the club lights playing over us, bathing his solid jaw in sapphire light and shadows. “Would you believe me if I said I would never harm you? That I’d rather suffer than have anything bad ever touch you?”

I licked my lips, caught up in his steady gaze. “I…I don’t know. I’d like to believe you, but that wouldn’t be very smart.”

He considered this for a moment, then nodded. “Understandable. I think I have a way to reassure you.”

Going downstairs, he pulled me over to the front door where a pair of bouncers stood, and approached a tall, good-looking blond and freckled bouncer who had a country-boy vibe to him.

Leo still held my hand, and the bouncer respectfully nodded his head. “How can I help you, Mr. Brass?”

There, at least I had a last name to add to my limited database of knowledge about the man I was seriously considering fucking into next week. The lighting was better here and I stared up at him, fascinated by his heavy bone structure. My gaze traveled lower and I took in the curve of his ass again. He had a bubble butt, and as I’d trailed behind him through the club, I’d wondered what it would be like to sink my teeth into all that tight muscle.

“Hannah, this is Greg Dawson. He’s a Tempe police officer who does security for the club on the weekends.”

Snapped out of my perving, I smiled. “Um…hello.”

“Hello, gorgeous.” Greg gave me a slow appraising look, then smiled at Leo. “She’s absolutely lovely. Those legs, they go on forever.”

Looping an arm around my shoulders, Leo pulled me tight to his side and snarled, “She’s mine.”

Holding up his hands, Greg laughed but also looked a little scared. “Understood, Boss. No offense meant, ma’am.”

I shifted on my heels, not liking the aggressive tension filling Leo. “None taken.”

Leo continued to glare at the man, who paled. “Hannah came in with two friends, make sure they know she left, and that she’s safe, and make sure they get home all right.”

“Of course, Mr. Brass.”

My feet were starting to hurt and I shifted in my heels again, the champagne wearing off and all the dancing I’d done catching up.

Leo must have noticed because before I knew it, he had me swept up in his arms and I had to bite back a squeal.

“We’re leaving.”

I was tempted to argue with him but I couldn’t help relaxing in his hold, a feeling of complete safety coming over me in a warm rush. “How will they know who my friends are?”

“You were seated in the VIP area. All they have to do is check the security cameras to find out who you came in with.”

“Oh, I didn’t think about that.” The cool night air kissed my cheeks as he carried me out the front door of the club, his muscles flexing while he scanned the crowd with a grim look. The line to get in was still as long as ever, and people flat-out stared as Leo strode past, but he paid them no mind. I had a feeling he was the kind of man who did his own thing, damn what other people think. Looping my arms around his neck, I lightly skimmed my finger over his stubble, wanting to know what it would feel like against my lips.

“Where are we going?”

He hesitated a moment, then said, “My place. Unless you’d rather go to yours?”

“Um, considering I share an apartment with two other girls, with super thin walls, no.”