Despite the crowd, the club wasn’t sweltering and I shifted on the couch, trying to tuck my short dress beneath my butt as I turned to steal a quick glance at the surroundings. Hot guys were indeed everywhere and I wondered if maybe it was time to break my self-imposed celibacy streak. I’d sworn off men after the last guy I dated nine months ago accused me of being a stage-five clinger with stalker tendencies…and my friends hadn’t disagreed.

Evidently he didn’t appreciate me stalking him on social media while we were apart, and then I “just happened” to show up at the restaurant where he was having dinner with his friends like a desperate loser.

With a sigh, I downed the rest of my glass, pushing away my past regrets that clung to me like tar.

After returning from the restroom in a bouncy mood, Kayla grinned her perfectly white smile and launched into a detailed breakdown of what kind of dick random guys in the crowd had.

Laughing at my friend’s antics, I leaned back into the comfortable sofa and did some people watching, one of my favorite pastimes. Back before I got over my shyness, I’d often been the quiet kid in class, absorbing everything around me while trying to blend into the scenery. My mother developed a hairpin temper after my sister’s death and I learned to watch her every move, to read her every expression and base my day off of her temperament. It was only after I got out of their house for good and into college that I began to see how fucked-up my family was, and how much they’d messed me up.

Eager to distract myself from my negative thoughts and worries, I sat up straighter on the couch and took a good look around while Kayla carried on about some portly guy having a big one. As I scanned the dance floor, I was surprised by how many couples were dancing so close you couldn’t slip a feather between them. The sexual energy was thick, and I squeezed my legs when a pulse of blood rushed between them. My nipples tingled and I shifted on the couch, tugging my skirt again to make sure I wasn’t flashing anyone.

“Hannah,” Joy said as she elbowed me in the ribs. “That guy is totally checking you out.”

“What guy?”

“That scary-looking one with the sexy hair and psycho eyes.”


“Heavy brow, broad forehead, square jaw, and hair that Thor would be envious over.”

I followed the direction of Joy’s pink-painted fingernail and it didn’t take me long to figure out who she was talking about.

I’d always inwardly snorted when I’d read the description of a woman being struck dumb by the sight of a man, but I wasn’t anymore—’cause I could barely breathe.

He was fascinating, and I found myself unable to look away.

Dressed in a pair of faded jeans that fit his athletic figure like a glove, his body was bigger and stronger than that of any other man around us, including the bouncers. As best I could tell in the club lighting, he had long, thick golden-brown hair that fell to his broad shoulders in messy waves, framing an unusual face that was roughly masculine, all carved cheekbones and thick jaw. Not a pretty boy by any means, or even a boy at all. No, this guy was one hundred percent confident man. His chest appeared impossibly broad and his torso tapered down to a trim waist. Everything about him seemed to reek of health and vitality.

While my gaze wandered his body, my attention was drawn to his solid right wrist, which had a black leather band wrapped around it. I found the sight of that black band incredibly sexy and wondered when the hell I’d developed a fetish for men’s wrists. My breasts grew heavy and this odd…carnal urge began to burn in my belly.

The air around me thickened as our gazes met and he strode through the crowd to our table, drawing people’s attention like a magnet. He wasn’t conventionally attractive, his features too heavy, the lines going across his broad forehead too thick, and his nose broken too many times, but he was charismatic in a way I’ve never experienced. I couldn’t blame the crowd for turning to watch him as he stalked towards us. He prowled like a beast and his intense, direct stare turned me on even as his approach made me increasingly nervous.

“Bet he’s got a really thick dick,” Kayla whispered as we all silently watched him.

By the time he reached our couch, we were full-on staring at him, but it was Kayla who spoke first with a flirty little, “Hi.”

Ignoring her, he held out his hand to me and commanded in a deep voice, “Dance with me.”

It wasn’t a request, it was an order, and I felt a sense of almost relief that I didn’t have to worry about making the decision of saying yes or no. How odd. I must be drunker than I thought because I wasn’t alarmed by his domineering manner in the least. Instead, a fuzzy warmth tingled through my body as he kept all of his attention solely on me, despite Kayla’s obvious pouting at being ignored.