The music on the second floor was a little lower in volume, giving me the ability to easily hear Tina point out different aspects of the club as she led us through the crowd to a big, white, U-shaped couch with a low ebony table in the center, along with a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne. Three streamlined champagne glasses glittered in the warm lights and a cool breeze came from overhead. Tall cut-glass vases filled with purple and pink orchids flanked the couch and a few throw pillows done in black velvet were artfully flung here and there. It was a space that managed to be modern and edgy, but also comfortable enough to make me sigh as I got off my already throbbing feet.

“This is your area,” Tina chirped with a smile as she expertly poured the champagne for us before handing out the glasses. “If you press the red button on the edge of the table, that will summon your server, Michelle. Anything you want is on the house, and Michelle’s tip has been taken care of. If you need anything at all, just let her know.”

Picking up my glass, I smiled and tried to play it cool when inside I was bouncing around like a kid who had too much sugar. “I will, thank you.”

“Enjoy your evening, Ms. Barnes. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Uh, you too.”

“Wow,” Joy said as she leaned forward, her ample cleavage squeezing together in a way I envied. “They’re treating you like you’re somebody important. I mean, Tina seemed ready to fall down at your feet and kiss your ass if you’d snapped your fingers.”

Kayla snorted. “Trust me, having people fawn over you gets old after a while. Everywhere I go, people see my black credit card, or know my father, and they start sucking up.”

“Seriously?” Joy said as she glared at Kayla.

“What?” Kayla looked away with a bored expression as she sipped her champagne.

I rolled my eyes then lifted my glass in the direction of Tina’s retreating perfect ass, trying to diffuse the tension between my friends. “Please, she’s just a professional. Look at this place. Do you think they’d have anyone working here who wasn’t an expert at kissing ass?”

Joy tossed her curly blonde hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, but she smiled at you like you were Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny all wrapped up in one.”

“Oh my God,” Kayla interrupted us. “Shut up and admire the scenery, ladies. There are some very, very hot men here tonight, and I, for one, don’t plan on giving up the opportunity for some VIP dick.”

We all laughed then Joy nodded as she tapped her lips with a pink-painted nail. “I wonder if there’s anyone famous here tonight.”

“Well,” Kayla said with an arched brow and a smirk, “I think I see the mayor over there with someone who isn’t his wife.”

“What? Where?” I turned to look but Kayla hit my leg.

She gave me a disdainful sneer that made me feel dumb. “We aren’t going to blend in if we sit here openly staring at people like we’re on a safari and they’re the wild animals. God, at least pretend to fit in.”

Joy raised her glass and took a hefty drink while glaring at Kayla. “Anyway, I think this place is awesome. Thank you, again, for bringing me along.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” We exchanged air kisses while Kayla was busy on her phone.

Joy guzzled another gulp of champagne while I laughed. “Slow down there, champ.”

Narrowing her pale green eyes at me, Joy licked her lips then lowered her glass. “Please, you’re the lightweight here. It’ll take me more than a glass of champagne to even get a buzz going. Besides, this stuff is amazing. Live a little, drink up. We’re cabbing it home so if you’re going to get trashed on the good stuff, now’s the time to do it.”

“Good point.”

I took a big drink of my own and was pleasantly surprised by how delicious it was. Certainly better than any champagne I’ve ever had, even the expensive stuff at my cousin Silvie’s wedding. Savoring the tingling liquid before it slid down my throat, I enjoyed the way the bubbles exploded on my tongue and tickled my mouth. The drink had a sweet tinge to it that reminded me faintly of raspberries. Tart and delicious. I took another long drink, noticing Joy and Kayla had drained their glasses as well.

Smirking, Kayla took the champagne bottle out of the ice bucket and studied the label. “I thought it seemed familiar. My parents have a couple bottles of this at home, the reserve edition, of course.”

“Of course,” Joy muttered before she took another drink.

Ignoring their bickering, I eagerly looked around and studied how the other half lived. Or at least partied. Our little section of the room was partially concealed behind long, flowing and sheer white drapes that had an almost mother-of-pearl-like gleam to them. They undulated in the gentle breeze coming from the vents at the top of the walls and made it almost feel like we were outside.