Though I wasn’t proud to admit it, I craved positive attention the way a drug addict craves their next fix, and I’d put up with a lot of bullshit to get it. I’ve gotten better, Joy has had to give me a couple “come to Jesus” speeches about letting people use me without giving anything back, but it’s a constant battle to keep from settling back into my default people-pleaser mode.

For a while after my sister’s death, I’d wondered if I hadn’t been the one who’d died, because my parents treated me like I didn’t exist. If it wasn’t for Joy’s family basically adopting me, I don’t think I would have survived my parents’ cold silence without losing my mind.

After graduation, I’d moved from Tucson to Tempe with Joy and Kayla to go to college. I was at the University of Arizona on a full scholarship I’d busted my ass for, and worked at a diner to make ends meet, which sucked but I had to do what I had to do. Unlike Kayla’s, my family didn’t send me money, and I didn’t have any trust funds, so my lifestyle was a lot more frugal than that of most college students. I’ve certainly never been able to indulge in going to a club where the mixed drinks cost close to fifty dollars apiece, and where everyone seemed so adult and sophisticated. Winning this night, getting to spend one evening pretending I’m someone other than a student and a server at a diner, was totally awesome, and I wasn’t going to waste it.

Plus, even though it was also petty, it felt good to be able to get us into a club that even Kayla, with all her dad’s influence, couldn’t.

A dark-skinned bouncer with a brilliant smile held the inner door open for us with a smooth, “Good evening, ladies.”

We giggled—he was really cute—then a tall, sultry brunette in a pale mint-green jumpsuit greeted us in the dimly lit entryway with a big smile as soon as we stepped inside. Her hair was back in a sleek ponytail and she was perfect from head to toe, but her blue eyes were friendly as she said, “Ms. Barnes, welcome to Obsession. My name is Tina and I’ll be your hostess for the evening. If you’ll please follow me, I’ll lead you to your private VIP area. It’s been fully stocked, compliments of the club. I hope you like it.”

I nodded, trying to act casual and hip instead of gawking at the huge dance club, the spectacular light show pulsing in perfect rhythm to the sensual, almost Latin beat of the techno music. “I’m sure we will. Thank you.”

Joy and Kayla trailed behind me as we walked through the busy club and I tried to keep from ogling the crowd like a tourist. Despite the long line outside, the inside was full but not packed, and I didn’t have to shoulder my way through the throng like I did at some of the local college bars. The feel of the place was certainly more cultured than the other clubs I’ve been to, cool and edgy with a hint of sensual darkness. Crazy beautiful women, and men, strutted their stuff on platforms around the club and moved like professional dancers. They wore impossibly tiny, sexy, sparkly, and obviously professionally made costumes that would have fit right in on stage at a glamorous Las Vegas review.

The whole vibe of this place was seductive, and I blushed as I stole a quick peek at a couple on the dance floor who were grinding and kissing passionately beneath lavender and indigo lights.

We took the stairs to the second level after passing a stainless-steel-topped bar, and I focused on keeping from falling on my ass. I didn’t normally wear heels, but these shiny ruby red stilettos were so sexy and I got them during a clearance sale for a steal. Plus, I’d rarely had anywhere worthy of wearing them to before so they’d been sitting in a box on my shelf for a while now.

They went perfectly with my thrift store little black Chanel dress that showed off a lot of leg and dipped low in the back. I’d kept my eyes simple with just an extra two coats of mascara and some eyeliner, but my bright red lipstick perfectly matched my shoes, drawing attention away from my stick-figure body and to my mouth. While my hair is a boring black, my eyes an even more boring light brown, I had inherited a set of full lips that I’ve been told even Angelina Jolie would envy. Of course, as a kid, they’d been just another feature to make fun of, so I was still kind of self-conscious about drawing attention to them, but guys seemed to like my mouth so that was a small ego boost that I desperately needed.