I’d just reached for the mirror above the dresser when strong arms grasped me tight.

Seething, I kicked back, trying to injure Leo—only it wasn’t Leo I was kicking, it was Jose.

Abruptly realizing my error, I almost hit the floor before he tightened his grip and hauled me up. Fear ricocheted through me as I saw that Judith had come into the room as well. She looked first at the shattered vase, then the table, and finally slowly to Leo before she slowly turned those dark eyes on me.

I had the oddest urge to apologize as she unleashed the disappointed look all mothers had used to cower their children from the dawn of time. Yes, she was the wife of a cartel lord, whose nuts I’d just tried to kick, but she’d been nothing but nice to me. Maybe it was Stockholm syndrome or good manners, but I felt ashamed that I’d broken her stuff.

Leo stepped forward. “Judith, I hope you’ll agree that we need to do things my way.”

She sighed, her gaze going once more to the splintered remains of the vase. “I had prayed she would see reason, but you’re right, she does love being the martyr.”

I trembled as the anger crept back, fighting the urge to tell Judith to go fuck herself. “You said when I was healed I leave. Well, I’m healed, and I want to go anywhere he isn’t.”

Judith eyed me with an exasperated huff, as if I were a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Good luck.”

They left and I glared at Leo. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Oh, yes you are.” He smiled that not-nice smile that still sent a tingle through my deprived lady parts. “You’re coming home with me, and I’m going to fuck some sense into you.”

“If you touch me it will be rape.”

“I won’t touch you until you beg me.”

“When hell freezes over.”

“I don’t think that will be an issue. In fact, I know it won’t.”

One thing I knew about Leo was he’d go to any lengths to get what he wanted, including me. “What did you do?”

“I’m just helping your body win the fight against your mind.”

“What did you do?”

Closing the distance between us, he backed me up to the wall then caged me in with his arms. “Whatever is necessary to keep you. I told you I would never let you go, Hannah, and I meant it. I watched you for a year, planned for you, created the perfect home for you and did everything I could to ensure that you would be happy with me.”

I wanted to say that included brainwashing me, but Fernando had risked his life to share that information, and I really didn’t want to be responsible for his death. “You lied to me.”

“I did, but not about what mattered. I wanted to give you a chance to see the man I really am before you found out about my profession.”

“Your profession,” I spat, “is to torture people.”

His eyes flashed with anger, but he nodded, his body close enough now that the warmth of his frame washed over me. “It is, and I’m very good at it.”

Disgusted, I ducked beneath his arm and backed away. “Leave me alone.”

“I’m afraid that isn’t an option. I’m addicted to you, Hannah. I have to have you in my life. Without you, the word is a very dark place, and I refuse to let you go.”

“It’s not your choice,” I cried out. “I don’t want you!”

“You do. Honestly you do. I swear to you, baby girl, I’ll make this right.”

“You can’t.”

This time when he backed me against the wall, then he held me there with his muscled forearm over my chest. A sharp prick came from my thigh and I gasped at the sudden burning sensation. It was gone before I could move away and I stared up at Leo with hatred.

“What did you just give me?”

“Something to make this easier for you.”

“You bastard! I hate you.”

He cradled me so tenderly in his arms as my legs gave out. “I know you do. Trust me, I know.

Chapter 18

Hot, slightly stinky breath steamed up my face with humidity as something panted on me. I jerked back, but it was too late, and someone began to enthusiastically lick me. Christ, the side of my face was instantly slimy, and I sleepily tried to shove the warm, furry mass off me.

My mind kicked in enough to identify the creature as a dog, a very friendly one, and I woke up with a giggle and a smile, forgetting for a moment what had happened as Honey greeted me like she did most mornings.

Since I’d spent five out of every seven days over at Leo’s, I was used to my face being Honey’s first destination when she finished with her morning business. While she sometimes slept with Leo and me, she was mostly with Mark. This was partly because I didn’t want her getting distressed when Leo and I got…feral in the bedroom, and partly because Mark was lonely and Honey made it better.