Joy took my uninjured hand in her own. “We’re so, so lucky Mark came to pick you up.”

I frowned, looking over at Judith watching us with a carefully pleasant expression. It reminded me of the fake mask Leo wore around people. A pang went through my chest as I wondered if he wore one around me as well, if the intimacy I thought we’d had was all an illusion.

“Yes, very lucky.”

My stomach gurgled and Joy laughed. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. Um…how’s Kayla?”

Closing her eyes, Joy let out a low breath. “That stupid bitch is in some expensive rehab out in California. That stuff she was snorting? That wasn’t coke, it was heroin.”


“I know, heroin!” Joy shook her head, her curls bouncing as she clenched her jaw. “I talked with her for a little bit before she left, tried to find out what the fuck was going on with her. Basically, she’s a helpless mess. She failed out of all her classes last semester because of her partying, which only led to more partying.”

“No way.”

“Yes way. She fell in with a bad group of people with expensive tastes, spoiled trust-fund babies like her, but with much bigger funds. She tried to keep up with their jet-set lifestyle but couldn’t. All her credit cards are maxed, and she can’t touch her other trust funds until she’s twenty-five. But did that bitch want to deal with reality? No. Since she couldn’t afford her own shit anymore, she hooked up with Manny and basically whored herself out for drugs.”

“Shit,” I whispered. “How did I not see this?”

Joy shrugged. “It’s only gotten really bad since you started seeing Leo these past few weeks. Kayla’s always been jealous of you, and to see you so obviously happy, with a great and successful guy who worshiped the ground you walked on, you really made her feel like the loser she is.”

I wanted to laugh, because if Kayla knew what kind of man Leo really was, she’d consider herself lucky to be alone.

With a sigh, Joy patted my hand. “Please thank Leo again for letting me stay at his place, and thank Mark for putting up with me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Since our place is trashed, Mark offered me one of the spare bedrooms at his house.”

“Oh, uh, right. So you’re staying with Mark?”

“Yep, he’s a very nice guy, quiet, but nice. Cute, but no romance vibe happening between us at all. It’s more like living with my older brother.”

“And there’s enough room for you? You don’t feel crowded?”

“No way, his place is freaking sweet! It even has a pool, and Honey is awesome.”

My lower lip trembled as I thought about the loving dog that I had to somehow rescue from Leo…so I could do what? Live with her on the street while I’m homeless? A tear escaped and I brushed it away with a shaky hand.

“Why are you crying?” Joy asked as she rubbed my arm, unintentionally hitting bruises the long sleeves of my nightgown hid.

“I just…I’m tired and my pain meds are wearing off.”

“Shoot, why didn’t you tell me?”

Joy went to stand but I gripped her arm. “No, please, stay.”

“You need to sleep and heal, so you can come home and show me around your new crazy house. Leo took me on a short tour when I arrived, and I gotta say, no wonder you were never home. Our place must have seemed like a third world country shit hole to you after spending time in Leo’s mansion. Hell, now I’m mad I never made time to take you up on your invitation to have dinner there. Oh, and your chef says hi, and he’s been working on some new recipes in anticipation of you coming home. And the housekeeper says hi as well. They all really like you, Hannah, and send their love.”

“That’s—that’s very nice of them.”

“And girl, that fire pit Leo has in the middle of his freaking pool! You have to talk him into letting us have a party there so my parents can meet him. I told them all about Leo and how he’s taking such good care of you. My mom thought it was soooo romantic!”

She obviously thought things were still peachy between Leo and me, and I didn’t dare tell her otherwise. “Yeah, romantic.”

Trying to cheer me up, she stood and straightened her denim dress. “And just think. Once the doctor gives you the okay to travel and come home, we’ll be able to hang out. Kind of. I mean I still have work, and we’ll both have school, but think about the fun we’ll have together! We can make sangrias and hang out in that fab pool.”

“Sounds great, honey.”

She gave me a careful kiss on my forehead, one of the few unbruised places on my face, then left in a flurry of curls and smiles. “Okay, I need to go pick up the books Leo ordered for you.”