“He would have, eventually.”

“And let’s not forget the fact that he has enemies that will try to torture me to death the moment they learn of my existence.”

My voice broke at the end of the sentence but I managed to swallow past the lump in my throat.

Clasping her hands together in her lap, Judith’s lips twitched a couple times before she said, “That was my fault; you never should have been unprotected. I was so worried about Fernando that I forgot I’d pulled my security detail off your building. Leo didn’t have anyone watching the apartment—”

I held up a shaky hand, irritated at how quickly my strength was waning. “Wait, you had people watching my apartment?”

“Of course we did. While you may think the worst of us, I do try as hard as I can to protect my boys, my people. The moment Leo fell in love with you, you belonged to me, and I protect what is mine.”

That statement was disturbing on many levels. “I belong to myself.”

“You do, but your heart is infinite, so even if you gave an enormous part of it to Leo, you’ll never lose yourself.”

Confused, irritated, and not liking this “benevolent/violent wise old woman” thing Judith had going on, I tried to rally my cause. “I’m not eating.”

Shaking her head, she stood and moved to my bedside table, picking up the chocolate milkshake that Leo had brought me earlier.

“If you drink half of this, I will allow you to see Joy.”

That had me paying attention and I sat up, slowly because it hurt, but all the way. “Seriously?”

I hadn’t been allowed to see either Joy or Kayla, probably because I was too busy acting like a mad woman.

“Yes, but on one condition. As far as Joy knows, those men were corporate rivals of the Cordova Group who Leo helped put out of business. It is best if she continues to believe this. It will allow her to live as normal a life as possible.”

In other words, shut my fucking mouth about the Cordova cartel or my friend would pay. “Understood.”

“Good. Now drink.”

I did as she commanded, slowly at first because my stomach cramped as the cold, thick liquid hit it, then faster when my brain registered the fact I was once again helping to keep my body alive and released the hunger hounds in my stomach.

I’d finished well over half of it by the time I handed the glass back to Judith before turning my head to burp.

“Good. Now, you’ll learn that I’m a woman of my word, but all trust is built a step at a time. Are you ready to see Joy?”


“Yes.” Her lips twitched and I swore she had a fond look in her eyes. “She’s been rather…insistent about seeing you.”

A quick phone call later and the door to my room flung open, a wide-eyed Joy coming to a halt as she got a good look at me. Her blonde curls trembled as she visually inspected me, her hands nervously clutched in the denim dress she wore that fit her curvy frame perfectly. As I looked closer, I noticed her entire outfit had a new and expensive look to it. I’ll say one thing about the Cordova cartel, they knew how to dress a girl.

“Oh my God, Hannah,” she breathed, her eyes welling with tears. “Are you okay?”

Used to the pitying looks—my face was a swollen and bruised mess—I nodded. “I am.”

“You look terrible,” she said in a half sob, and to my surprise, Judith came to her side and gave her a one-armed squeeze.

“But she’s okay. Just like I told you she would be, mija.”

Not liking Judith being so nice to Joy, afraid the crazy old bitch would get attached to my sweet friend, I held out my hand, trying not to wince as Joy joined me on the bed, jostling me with her movements.

“What about you? Are you all right?”

“I am. Mr. and Mrs. Cordova, I mean Jose and Judith, have been great.” She absently touched a large Band-aid on her temple I hadn’t noticed before because it had been covered by her blonde curls. “I only had a mild-concussion and a few stitches, but Hannah, you look…I’m so sorry I told them about Leo.”


“I mentioned him. I brought your relationship up because I was hoping it would scare them off.” Her eyes welled with tears. “And when they asked you if you were dating Leo, and you wouldn’t say that you were…I thought you were too scared to talk or something so I told them. I didn’t…I didn’t know they’d react like that. I swear, honey, I was trying to protect you.”

I thought back to that terrible night, remembering how I literally couldn’t speak. “I don’t know what was wrong with me. I tried to say yes but I couldn’t, it was like someone was choking me. You didn’t do anything wrong, I was trying to say yes. And please, please don’t blame yourself, okay? I may not look amazing right now, but I’m going to be all right.”