I walked back into Lucas’s penthouse no worse for the wear but totally shell-shocked. The stunned expression must have been obvious because Dominick came to my side the moment I was off the elevator and held both my arms tightly as if he thought I might collapse at any moment.

“What the hell happened?”

In the two hours I’d been at the council headquarters I felt like I’d aged twenty years. How was it possible for so much to happen in so little time? It was like the opposite effect of being in the fairy realm, where time passed at a snail’s pace compared to the real world.

“I… Man your grip is strong.”

He released me but stayed close. Before I had a chance to explain what had happened, Desmond appeared at the top of the stairs. He apparently didn’t like the look on my face any better than his brother had, because soon a second Alvarez brother had his arms around me. At least Desmond was holding me rather than propping me up.

“Are you okay? When Sutherland told us you were going to be delayed…I figured they were pissed about the Peyton thing.”

“They were a lot angrier about the whole being-a-werewolf thing. But as it turns out, the very detail-oriented vampire laws managed to totally skip over a rule against being a werewolf.”

“You’re not in trouble?”

“God, things went so far beyond me being in trouble they circled right back around again.”


“I don’t know. I really don’t know what I’m talking about anymore.”

He ran his fingers over my face, checking every visible inch of me with his hands and eyes. Seemingly satisfied I was uninjured, he took a step back to give me breathing room.

“Where are the others?”

“I left the vampires in the lobby, since there are quite a few more of them now.”

“How many more?”

“About fifty? Couldn’t get as many as I’d have liked, but everyone who was at the council headquarters tagged along.”

Dominick and Desmond were gawking at me like I was speaking Greek. “Sorry, did you just say you convinced the entire vampire council to help you track the necromancers?”

“The ones who were there, yeah.”

“The same vampire council you thought was going to kill you?”

“There’s only one vampire council in New York.” I sighed. “So yes. The same council.”

The brothers exchanged glances. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Dominick asked.

“Oh my God. I’m not hallucinating. Fuck off.” I swatted at the shorter, blonder Alvarez, and he countered me easily, smacking my shoulder. I punched him in the chest.

“Ooof.” He doubled over, catching the breath I’d stolen.

“That’s what you get for doubting me.”

“Why doesn’t he get hit?” Dominick wheezed.

“I’ll take care of him later.”

Desmond smirked and patted his brother on the back. “Did you really think you could outmatch her in hand-to-hand combat? She’s part vampire. Vampires are fast, dumbass.”

“It’s an unfair advantage. She’s cheating.” He righted himself, and his blue eyes were gleaming mischievously.

Goddamn it felt good to be happy, even for one fleeting second.

“Also, she’s armed now.” Dominick grabbed my hand and lifted the ring finger so my new bauble caught the low light, glinting brilliantly. “Doubly unfair.”