“First tell me why you want him. Then we can discuss whether or not I’m the one to help you find him. Am I correct in assuming you haven’t declared him a rogue?” Keeping focused on being formal helped ground me.

Holden, Ingrid and the others had left after I’d introduced myself, meaning I didn’t have the sentry with me for additional support. This was all up to me, and the more officially I behaved the easier it was to stay calm.

I guess that meant it was natural for me to want to lose my cool.

“Sutherland was looking for something in San Jose, something important to the council. He was meant to report back a week ago, and we haven’t heard from him. ”

“And you think…what exactly?”

“We’d like to believe something has happened to him,” Eilidh said.

“You’d like to?” That sounded ominous.

“When the other option is that he’s found this item and taken it for himself or another group…” Galen’s voice drifted off. “We’d prefer not to think ill of him, but he’s had trouble adjusting to life here. Trusting him after this will be difficult. ”

“So it’s easier to believe something terrible has happened to him?”

“It’s that or sign a warrant for his death,” Galen said. “Which do you prefer?”

I frowned, unable to stop the downward curve of my mouth. “No, no warrants. Not yet. Does Maxime know the details of Sutherland’s mission?”

“Maxime?” Eilidh sneered. Maybe she didn’t like anyone. I wasn’t special after all. “Why would he know anything?”

“The sooner he knows the better. Because he’s coming with me to San Jose. ” I didn’t trust any of them, but Holden said he trusted Maxime, so that gave me one ally within the council.

“We have others. Sentries…” Arturo started to suggest.

“Thanks, but I have my own sentry. I’d like Maxime, please. If we’re keeping things all in the family, that is. ”

Galen and Eilidh exchanged glances, but Arturo continued to stare at me with his fierce, catlike eyes. “May I ask you something, Secret?”

“You may. ”

“What happens if you find Sutherland and discover he has gone rogue? That our worst fears are realized and he has abandoned the council?”

Did he think I could be tricked into saying the wrong thing with such an obvious question? They clearly didn’t think much of me, in spite of my position. “If my fath…if Sutherland is a rogue, he will meet a rogue’s fate. That’s justice I’m well-versed in delivering. Probably more than any of you are. ”

Eilidh reclined in her throne and glared at me, but Galen seemed more interested, pivoting his attention from his sister back to me with a look of intrigue. “You speak boldly for one so young. ”

“I speak as I would to any equal. ”

His mouth formed a thin line, but for some reason—perhaps the amused twinkle in his eyes—I thought he was masking a grin rather than a frown. What was it about me that fascinated true Tribunal leaders so much?

I thought about Sutherland, and Sig, and I was starting to realize Sig’s interest in me had very, very little to do with how precocious I could be and was rooted in something deeper.

Sig’s interest ran to the blood.

Chapter Thirteen

As soon as I was back in the hall and the ginger twins had left to service their masters, I gave Ingrid a withering glare equal to all the disdainful looks she’d ever shown me during our association. We were still within earshot of the Tribunal chamber, so as we walked I simply said, “Call your master. ”

“Excuse me?”

The three of us climbed into the elevator, and Holden remained silent while Ingrid and I spoke.

“You heard me. ”

“You aren’t in a position to give me orders. I don’t belong to you. ” When I growled, she arched one flaxen brow and appeared as if she was debating being impressed. “And might I remind you threats of violence are pointless, unless you want to make them against Sig. ”