I chuckled softly.

Next to the boys was Penny’s most recent school photo, her grinning sixth-grade pose. She was the spitting image of Desmond, dark wavy hair and big pale eyes. That smiling photo stole all the levity from the moment, because she could have been any of those missing teens.

Turning from the stairs, I drifted into the living room with its old-school eighties sofas and a small television, where Penny was checking through the bags to see which gifts were for her. She found the big one from me and Desmond and went to shake it, but her brother stopped her.

“Be patient, Pen. Soon enough. ”

“Is it better than an iPod?”

Not being twelve, I didn’t know where a Wii ranked on the coolness scale, but I said, “Way better. ”

For the first time since we’d arrived, Penny acknowledged my existence. She gave me a silent once-over that made me more nervous than a vampire eyeballing my jugular. Then she hopped to her feet and marched up to me, sticking out her hand. I looked to Desmond for help, but he rested his chin on his hand and watched us with a smile.

“Penelope Alvarez,” she introduced with startling formality. “You can call me Penny if you want. ”

“Secret McQueen,” I replied and gave her hand a firm shake. “You can call me Secret. ”

“Is that your real name?”

“Penny!” This came from the dining room doorway and was said with the tone only irritated mothers know how to use.

“I’m afraid so. ” I winked at Penny as her mother came through the door drying her hands on a dishtowel.

Desmond’s mother was his exact opposite. She was a few inches taller than five feet and had the delicate build of a ballerina. She was fair-skinned and had dirty-blonde hair streaked through with gray. On her it looked like expensive highlights. Now I knew where Dominick fit in. I’d often marveled at how two such different men came from the same family without a visit from the milkman being involved.

“You’re really pretty. Your hair looks like Taylor Swift’s. And she dated that guy who was a werewolf in Twilight, and you date a werewolf too. ”

“We’re practically twins,” I agreed.

“Are your pants leather?”

I looked down, embarrassed to be called on it by a tween in a pleated tartan skirt.

“Yes. ”

“That’s cool. ”

“Penelope, stop pestering Secret,” her mother ordered, snapping her playfully with the hand towel. The family matriarch came to stand before me, giving me the same assessing look her daughter had. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, dear. Nice to put a face to the girl who got my Desi to move out of the penthouse. ”

“Desi?” I tried to hide the laugh bubbling up. I failed. Desmond shot me a look.

“I’m Grace. ” We shook hands. Her skin was soft, and she smelled like turkey and Oil of Olay, with a hint of Giorgio Beverly Hills perfume lingering on her clothes. It wasn’t fresh, so she must have worn the fragrance regularly.

“Secret. ” She already knew my name, but it would have been rude to leave her introduction unanswered. “It smells great in here. ”

It did smell spectacular, and though I didn’t typically eat real food, the aroma of turkey, gravy and baked yams made my stomach growl. Grandmere never went overboard on food at holiday meals because she was only cooking for herself. But I gathered cooking for a family of adult werewolves meant food had to be plentiful.

“Desi, honey, I need some onions for the stuffing. Can you run up to Paradiso—?”

“I can go,” Penny insisted.

“Penny. ” Grace’s tone was weary and definitive. I was amazed by how much mothers could say without saying much of anything.

“Mom. ” The look on Penny’s face spoke volumes. In a house filled with male werewolves it must have been difficult for her to be given any independence, especially when she was so much younger than her brothers. Alpha males were overprotective by their very nature. I also knew a thing or two about being condescended to and I wanted to stand up for the girl, but it wasn’t my place.

“It’s just down the block, Mom. ” Desmond came to his sister’s rescue. “And Dominick is still out there trying to find parking, which might take him until the New Year. I’m sure she’ll be fine. ”

Overwhelmed by sudden apprehension, I bit my lip and resisted the urge to speak up. My mind was full of images of body parts and Christmas stockings like the ones hanging on the window ledge next to the tree. One of which bore my name. Swelling emotions threatened to undo me.