“And you don’t smell like the average wolf,” she pointed out, making me swallow hard. “Though I guess that has something to do with the company you keep. ” In that one sentence Genevieve proved she was a woman to be respected and feared. She knew much more about what happened in this city than I’d given her credit for. “I must say, standing next to this knight of yours, you two certainly smell alluring together, don’t you?”

I grimaced. Impossible. There was no way for her to know what I could taste from Desmond. He gave me a wary look, as if thinking the same thing. It was the first time I considered what must be happening to Desmond whenever he came near me. If I was really bonded to him the same way I was bonded to Lucas, which still seemed impossible, then how much was he suffering by ignoring it?

I couldn’t help but ask her, “What do we smell like?”

She grinned and tossed her hair over one shoulder. “Key lime pie. It’s on your breath, and it’s not on my menu. ”

My whole body went rigid, but I did not reply.

“To answer your original question, Miss McQueen, I am an ocelot. One of only a dozen in the country, and I am their queen. ”

I nodded, absorbing her species and rank. “Thank you. ”

“No, thank you. It has been some time since I’ve been in the presence of a soul that is double bonded. You are quite remarkable. ” She tipped her champagne flute at me. Before I could get any clarity on what she meant, she was looking past me. “I see your king has found an acquaintance. I will leave you now, but please drink whatever you’d like tonight. It’s on me. ” And then she was gone.

Turning to Desmond, I noticed how hard-set his jaw was, his eyes looking anywhere but into mine. “Double bonded?”

“She shouldn’t have said anything. It wasn’t her place. Trouble-making cat. ” He glared in the direction she had gone.

“Double bonded?” I asked again, more insistent this time.

“Secret,” he said, dropping the formality but none of the stern tone. “We can’t discuss this here. Lucas will explain when—” His eyes located the spot Genevieve had been looking at moments earlier, and he was suddenly quiet. “Oh,” was all he said. Then, “Are you a jealous woman?”

I couldn’t ignore that. Even as I was saying, “No,” I was turning to see what he was so distracted by. The new acquaintance Lucas had made was a willowy brunette wearing a minimalist taupe shift dress. His hands were on her waist, her back against his front, and they were dancing very close together, swaying in perfect harmony to the music.

My denial of jealousy stuck in my throat, blocking the growl that longed to follow. I shoved the urge back down into my stomach where it gurgled unpleasantly.

“So, what? Are soul-bonds the werewolf equivalent to… Hell, whatever. ” I waved my hands in front of me, trying to make the whole scene disappear while I failed to find words to express myself. I had the distinct feeling I was being played, and my naivety about werewolf commitment had been used against me. “This is ridiculous. First he’s telling everyone that I’m on my way to being queen…” I looked pointedly at Desmond, who appeared worried, “…which I never wanted, by the way, and now he’s out there grinding with some strange girl? And Genevieve is implying that you and I are soul-bonded too? But that’s crazy, right? Even though you taste like biting into a fresh lime whenever I’m within a few feet of you. ” I was breathless from my ranting. All I wanted to do now was leave.

The willowy girl had snaked her hand up to Lucas’s hair, and their hips were pressed so tightly together they might as well have been mating. His face was near her neck, and I was flushed with fury. Seeing them dance awakened a vindictive part of me that had no desire to go anywhere. Instead I wanted Lucas to know exactly how this rage felt.

“Calm down. ” Desmond grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him so the crowd wouldn’t hear us. “It isn’t what you think. ”

“Fuck that. ” I took his hand in mine and turned to the bar behind us, ordering a tequila shot and another immediately thereafter. I drank both in rapid succession, their bitterness masked thanks to my proximity to Desmond. “You and I,” I told him, looking right into his wide gray

eyes, “we’re going to dance. ”

This would be the perfect time to stalk off in a girly snit. I should have insisted on walking home and never speaking to Lucas again. A rational part of me knew he wasn’t yet my boyfriend or my mate, and I had no real right to be jealous.

But as a woman who had been left by her date so he could dirty dance with another girl? Well that part of me was a lot less forgiving.

Desmond didn’t fight me as I dragged him onto the crowded dance floor, and I was thankful to him for that.

When I took his hand and placed it low on my back, he hesitated for a moment as I felt an electric tingle jump from him to me. He placed his other hand on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in close. Sure, this was childish of me, but technically Desmond was still doing his job. There were few better ways to guard my body than by having it under his hands.

The song Lucas and the girl had been dancing to ended and the tempo changed, picking up speed as it became a popular up-tempo dance number. I worried Desmond wouldn’t be able to dance to it, but the hand low on my back held firm, and the other moved from my waist to grab hold of one of my arms. Before I knew what was happening, he bent me so far backwards my hair brushed the floor.

When he pulled me back up, his lips brushed my ear and he whispered, “Just try to keep up. ”

I turned to look at his face and he was smiling at me.

“Just try and stop me. ” With one hand in his, I swung myself out from his reach, then he spun me on the balls of my feet back into his arms. A small clearing on the floor widened to accommodate our theatrics, and several couples stopped dancing and stood back to watch.

Once he had me close, his hips pushed against mine, moving both of our lower bodies forward and then back in a sensual figure eight. I realized then that he was doing a modified version of a samba. He dipped me, this time backwards across his knee in such a way it would have probably broken my back if I hadn’t let myself go bonelessly into it. Applause burst through the crowd. He grabbed both my hands and swung his leg back, dropped me to within an inch of the floor, then tossed me into the air before pulling me back towards the floor and through his legs. I found my footing on the other side with no difficulty and hurled myself at him. He caught me on his right side, his arm holding my hips up so I was almost sitting on his shoulder before I slid down the line of his body, his hands skimming my waist with emphasized awareness before my feet touched the floor. Our eyes locked as we fell into the more standard samba steps, in perfect time to the music.

I grinned at him, surprising myself by how much I was enjoying his company. He was smiling back. By the time the song came to a close there wasn’t enough room for a light breeze to make its way between our bodies. Over the new silence came a burst of applause and whistles.

Oh, right, the other people in the room. In the rush of endorphins and adrenaline that had accompanied our impromptu routine, I’d completely forgotten the reason we’d come onto the floor to begin with. Still in his arms, I turned to look at the faces of those around us who had taken in the show.