When you’ve been asking people questions for centuries, you learn to get the information you need with as little effort possible.

“Do you feel the slaying was justified?” Daria probed.

“I do. ”

“Were you in immediate danger?”

“Myself and a human female. ”

“Yes, a human female who was allowed to escape. She is telling the human media all about a woman who saved her from a vampire,” Juan Carlos interjected.

Sig raised a hand to silence him but remained reclined in the chair.

“I don’t believe the media found her very credible,” I offered.

“Need we reminisce over the subway incident, Secret? The media had plenty of sources that seemed very reliable indeed in that situation. ” Sig spoke the words Juan Carlos was surely thinking.

I stiffened, a chill sweeping through my whole body. If Sig was bringing up the subway-platform incident, I was in serious trouble. It was in my best interests to remain silent until one of them asked me another question.

“Holden has given us some of the details of your report, and we confess we are curious. ” This from Daria, who had her porcelain-doll face rested on a manicured hand. “Please tell us the story. ”

I relayed, with as much brevity as possible, the events of the previous evening, leading up to the slaying of Henry Davies and the bite marks I associated with Alexandre Peyton.

The Tribunal, even Juan Carlos, looked pensive upon completion of the story. Sig sat upright in his chair, crossing his leg at the knee and leaning forward as though to get a better view of me.

“You are absolutely certain?”

“I am. ”

“We discussed what to do about this matter prior to your arrival, and as is often the case with you, Miss McQueen, the Tribunal was not unanimous. Both Daria and I agreed we will overlook the events of last night. Juan Carlos, as usual, wanted to eat you. ”

My gaze darted to Juan Carlos and I paled. The three of them began to laugh heartily, as though Sig had just given the punch line to the funniest joke they’d ever heard. I would never understand vampire humor.

Sig continued, “In light of the development you’ve presented, however, we will need to alter the arrangement somewhat. ”

“Meaning?” I knew this would sound indignant, and sure enough, anger flared in Juan Carlos’s eyes. Sig gave me a shrewd smile.

“We have a new job for you, my delicate flower. ” He and Daria exchanged a loaded glance. “You will find Peyton and you will bring him to us. ”

To the Tribunal, this directive meant bringing them a steaming pile of ashes that had once been one of their undead brethren. Bounty hunter may have been my official title, but none of the targets they’d sent me after returned in anything larger than a coffee tin. They expected me to kill one of the nastiest and most challenging vampires I’d ever faced? Did they honestly think he’d be like any other target? Killing Alexandre Peyton was going to be next to impossible.

“Oh, and, Secret?” Sig interrupted my internal diatribe.


“We would very much like him alive. ”

Chapter Fourteen

Before I could register what the Tribunal had told me, I was back in the hall with Holden and we were winding our way back up the mile of wet stairs, my feet making the motions automatically. He must have seen the shock on my face or the stumbling way in which I was taking the steps, because his unwavering frown had deepened to a look of concern.

“Secret? What did they say?”

“Peyton,” I muttered, and stopped walking to lean my face against the cold wall. The rough brick against my cheek lured me back to reality.

“I don’t understand. ”

“They want me to bring them Peyton. Alive. ”