I didn’t need to be a part of the werewolf pack to know this was a position of great importance. I also wasn’t stupid enough to ignore how I’d insulted him with my naivety.

“Desmond, I’m sorry. If I’ve offended you or your position in any way, it was unintentional. ”

He seemed to relax a little.

“You have my word that any future insults will be much more personalized and meant only for you,” I added with a smile so wide he could not mistake my joking for malice. For reasons I couldn’t name, I didn’t want Desmond to dislike me.

How strange this night had become.

He moved from the doorway to let me enter the study. “I hope you’re given the opportunity to insult me again in the future. From whatever position you’d like. ”

As he left the room I couldn’t help suspecting he was flirting with me.

I placed two phone calls before leaving the study. The first was to Keaty, who answered after only two rings. I spared the details of how I’d come to be in Lucas’s hotel room, but informed him I was having a tête-à-tête with the werewolf king. He understood the gravity of the situation and told me if I didn’t call him by noon he would personally dethrone Lucas. In a permanent way.

The second call was to my friend Mercedes Castilla. Detective Mercedes Castilla, she often reminded me. Cedes was one of the few cops who actually believed in the things that went bump in the night. She was smart enough not to share her liberal beliefs with those around her, but it gave her the unique advantage of calling a spade a spade. Or in this case, a fang a fang.

It also meant that she understood when human justice would not prevail and would call me to do the dirty work.

Mercedes did not fully understand what I was. Explaining my genetic makeup to her would have confused and terrified her, so I had bided my time until I knew which of my monsters was the lesser of two evils to her. For the first year of our friendship I had only let on that I was a bounty hunter who was, perhaps, not altogether human. After a rogue slaying in which I’d needed her help covering up some evidence, she called me to say, “Bloodsuckers had it coming. They weren’t even alive anyway. Good for you. ”

Crestfallen that the forward-thinking Mercedes was so willing to pigeonhole an entire race, I begrudgingly confessed the other half of my bloodline to her instead. The half I was not so willing to embrace.

While she didn’t get how one could be half werewolf, and I could do little to better explain it, she accepted my lycanthrope half was a part of me, like her Puerto Rican half was of her. It also meant I had to grin and bear it when she lambasted vampires as being mindless killing machines, which she was a fan of doing. She was especially displeased about the constant nocturnal presence of Holden in my life, after I’d admitted that he was my undead liaison.

Telling her I was in Lucas Rain’s penthouse, however, thrilled her to no end.

“Ohmigod, is he as handsome as they say? As rich? Have you slept with him? Are you going to? What does he look like?” This string of tween-girl gibberish was coming from a hardened detective who was, as much as she loathed acknowledging it, several years past her dreaded thirtieth birthday. This year would be her fourth twenty-ninth birthday, meaning she’d been twenty-nine as long as I’d known her.

And she thought vampires had issues.

“Cedes, breathe please. If I was here to get it on with Lucas Rain, I don’t think I’d be on the phone with you. ” It was at this unfortunate moment Desmond chose to return. A smile tilted the corner of his lips, and it vanished as quickly when I said, “I just want you to know that if I don’t call you by noon, something bad has happened to me. Tell the police to look here first. ”

“Bad? What do you mean? Secret, what’s going on?” If I was willing to involve the police, she knew it had to be serious. “Did you call Mr. Keats about this?”

I assured her everything was fine and I was only being careful, but something else had already occurred to her.

“Before you hang up, do you happen to know anything about a girl who got attacked in Central Park tonight? She’s in a holding cell right now because they’re worried she’s lost her shit. She keeps saying something about how a skinny blonde woman rescued her from a monster. She’s using the V word. ”

I tensed. I wasn’t worried the police would believe the girl’s story about a vampire assailant. Other people had made the same claim, and nothing ever came of it. But she wasn’t the first to mention a vigilante blonde saving the day. At the police stations across New York, a less-than-pleasant nickname had begun circling.

“The boys are saying it’s Buffy to the rescue again. ” She was teasing me, well aware this would get my goat. I gripped the handset so tightly the strong plastic began to buckle.

Desmond must have felt my agitation because he stepped farther into the room, keeping a watchful eye on me in case my annoyance manifested itself more aggressively. I raised my hand to let him know I was fine.

“Cedes, can you please do what I’ve asked?”

“Was Mr. Keats worried?”

“Keaty never worries unless I worry. I’m not worried, I’m just being smart. ”

She chuckled. “You need to learn to enjoy life more. You’re at a billionaire’s penthouse and you’re calling to check in. You don’t need a chaperone. Get your freak on!”

I sighed.

“Okay, okay. But call me if tonight turns into a weekend getaway to Ibiza. ”

It would be unwise for me to tell her that she would never see me in the daylight, let alone roasting on the sand with the UV worshipers, and I couldn’t tell her that a trip to Ibiza’s sun-kissed beaches would kill me. That was if the werewolf king didn’t kill me first.