Page 45 of Starstruck

“Yup.” Amelia fiddled with the pearl cuff link on her charcoal black suit, not really making eye contact with Tabatha.

“So I guess your parents planned for you to be a pilot, not an actress.”

“My parents always encouraged me to follow my dreams,” she said, her tight smile relaxing a little.

“Even when your dreams involve making out with gorgeous movie stars?” she asked with a saucy grin. “Let's talk about those photos that were taken of you two at the amusement park this weekend.”

Amelia's eyes met mine, as if we were both begging the other to answer the question.

“About those photos,” I started, not really knowing where I was going, but feeling the need to say something. “It was just—”

“Just the two of us messing around,” Amelia cut in. “We became friends when we were working on Real Love and it's not weird for us to touch and stuff. It doesn't mean anything.” She put her hand in mine, the contact sending electrical impulses down my spine. Could Amelia be telling the truth? It hadn’t meant anything to her? Since when?

Tabatha raised an eyebrow. “I dunno, I think it's a little weird to kiss your friends.”

“Then I feel sorry for your friends,” Amelia shot back with a grin.

The audience burst into laughter and Tabatha joined in.

“So really, the two of you aren't dating?” She pressed.


“No,” I finally said, “We're not dating.”

A sigh of disappointment rose up from the crowd and I felt it echoed in my own heart.

“Too bad. You two would make a beautiful couple.” Tabatha shook her head. “So are you dating anyone right now?”

“Not at the moment.” I tried to keep my smile bright and directed my gaze right at Amelia. “Though I'd like to be. I'd love to have someone who I could share my life with.”

“Any takers?” Tabatha threw out to the audience which erupted with applause and hollering. “And what about you, Amelia?”

“I'm not looking for love right now.” She was fiddling with her cuff links again, keeping her gaze glued to the floor. “I’ve been cheated on before. I’ve been lied to. I’ve been treated as a prop by people who made me think they cared about me.” Her next line felt directed right at me. “So no, I’m not looking to go through that again anytime soon. I’d rather be alone.”

Her words twisted in my gut. Was that really how I’d made her feel? I opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it. I kept my head down, unable to look at her or the audience anymore.

“Well, that's certainly honest,” Tabatha said with just a little awkwardness. The audience didn't seem quite sure what to make of Amelia's confession either. An odd silence fell over the set.

“Well, up next are two women who are definitely looking for love—in each other. I have former BluTech CEO Taylor Lyle here to talk about the high school sweetheart she gave up her empire for.” She turned back to me and Amelia. “Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm looking forward to see Real Love when it hits the theatres.”

I shook her hand, and maybe thanked her, though I was hardly listening to my own voice. Amelia's words just kept replaying in my head as I watched her walk off the stage.



The interview had gone better than I’d expected. As hard as it’d been to go on TV and talk about our relationship, I’d wanted to avoid headlines speculating about me and Jessica dating. I couldn’t bear the thought of having that in my face. Subtly calling her out for being a complete phony had been… unintended to say the least. She’d tried calling me a few times before the interview, but afterwards? She’d barely even looked at me.

I made it through the next two weeks of filming by becoming completely numb. Thankfully, Jessica and I didn’t have many scenes left to film together. Just one. The last day of filming, we were going off set to a nearby ranch.

I told myself not to feel anything when we arrived at the rambling estate. I stepped out of the van to see Jessica, already in costume, ripped, dusty jeans and a plaid shirt that hugged her curves as she moved.

Relief and sadness overwhelmed me at the thought that this would be our last day of filming. After this, I’d never have to see Jessica again outside of promo events where I could keep my distance from her. Was that what I really wanted? Distance?

Of course it was. I couldn’t deal with the strength of my emotions for her. Not when she seemed able to switch her feelings on and off so easily. How did she do it? Was she just that good an actress?

The day started with the crew getting shots of Jessica riding around on a horse. I tried not to watch as she handled the large animal with so much ease. I tried not to notice how gorgeous she was with her long blonde hair blowing behind her. I didn’t want to feel any of the things I was still feeling for Jessica.