Page 22 of Starstruck

“But we’ve only been going for…” I glanced at my watch. Oh, wow. We’d put in a nine-hour day.

Everyone started slowly meandering out of the room, but Amelia seemed as reluctant to move away as I was. When no one was in earshot, she spoke in a hushed, excited tone.

“Hey, do you want to come by afterwards and practice that scene?”

Her eagerness could’ve made me come right then and there.

“You know what they say.” I bit my lip to hold back a grin. “Practice makes perfect.”

Amelia’s face lit up, all of her seriousness melting away. I had the urge to pinch her cheeks again. One of these days, I was really gonna do it.

“I have to head back to my place to check on Cleo,” I said. “Do you wanna come over?”

“No offence, but I can’t imagine getting hot and heavy with all that dog hair floating around.”

“Right. I’ll come by your place after I go home to see how she’s doing.”

She looked like she wanted to kiss me again, but was too shy to do it in front of other people. I felt the same way, but contented myself by reaching out and finally pinching her cheek. I gave it a little shake, which made her face scrunch up angrily. I reminded myself that I’d sworn never to laugh at her again, but damn, it was hard when she was so freaking cute.

“See you soon,” I said, unable to keep a grin from spreading across my face.

I still couldn’t get my hormones in check once we’d parted ways and I was in my car. What was between me and Amelia was just so hot. There was that tension and nervousness that I rarely experienced anymore and beneath that, a genuine connection.

I swallowed. No, better to forget that last part. There was no connection. There couldn’t be. Co-stars getting involved was a terrible idea.

But this wasn’t two co-stars getting involved, it was just practice. And stress release. How were we supposed to film with all this sexual tension between us? We had to let it out somehow.

I thought I might explode if I didn’t get my hands on her soon. The long drive to my house gave me plenty of time to revisit our time in the shower. How far would things go this time? I definitely wouldn't have minded if she wanted to put her amazing lips on places other than my mouth. The thought of going down on her was hot too—intimidating for sure, but I loved the thought of making her moan.

I was still fantasizing about where I’d like to touch her when my phone rang. I checked the missed call when I pulled into my driveway, sighing as I saw it was my publicist, Samantha. Well, I couldn’t put her off forever. I dialed her number back. She picked up immediately.

“We’re on full emergency!”

“What?” My shoulders straightened in alarm.

“Sorry, not you—Oliver. I need you to help handle it.”

“You’re going to have to explain.”

“That psycho he dated is telling Stars Tonight he’s utterly destroyed by the break up, begging for her to come back to him. She’s making him sound pathetic.” Samantha sighed wearily. “I need you to go out and be photographed with him to show the public that he never cared about that backstabbing piece of trash.”

“Of course I’ll help Oliver out. I’m free tomorrow night.”

“Jess, I need this done, like, yesterday.”

“I have plans tonight.”

“Oliver’s reputation is on the line.”

I chewed my lip before letting out a sigh. “Yeah, I get it. No problem, I can rearrange my schedule.”

“You’re a doll.” She made a kissing noise into the phone. “And hey, it’s looking like Real Love might not be the career killer we thought it would. People are talking about it really positively online.”

“Yeah, of course they are.” I rolled my eyes. Why couldn’t the people in this industry see what I saw? This was a movie people wanted.

I hung up with Samantha and sighed as I texted Oliver to say I’d go out with him. It didn’t matter how much I reminded myself that things between me and Amelia were casual. I wasn’t looking forward to telling her I couldn’t come over. Especially since I was still horny as hell.
